I ✔️Faces of Death

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RAIN POURED DOWN THE DARKENED STREETS. A little boy ran down his porch and into the storm. His yellow raincoat creating a bright contrast to the dark sky. A paper boat was gripped tightly in his hand. Nothing seemed wrong. Nothing at all. Elizabeth knew. She knew that clown would show up somewhere. It always did.

She was right. The little boy, whose name came to her as George, had lost his boat in the sewer. Elizabeth was asleep so she couldn't do anything but watch as the horrible nightmare as it played out in her brain.

The clown popped out at the boy, his boat in hand. The two talked for several minutes about something she couldn't here, nor did she want too. That's when the boy reached into the sewer. The clown took a bite out of the poor kids arm. Blood pooled the street. Elizabeth's stomach churned at the sight.

Elizabeth's eyes snapped open. Her body was drenched in sweat and her pulse racing. Betty gripped her arm in pain. That was the worst yet, or at least the worst pain she had felt in months. She glanced over at her clock. 1:01 it read. She sighed closing laying back on her bed, she stared at the little glow in the dark stars that her cousin, Mary Johnson, had placed in hopes they'd comfort her to sleep.

It wasn't until 6:15 that she fell asleep again. She kept tossing and turning trying to rid her brain of the dream. It never went away, all she could picture was the coat, the boat, the clown and the blood, repeating itself in flashes.

Her mother, Naomi Byer, woke her up at 6:30 for her Doctors appointment. Her parents had been worried about her health. She was always tired and would always mutter things in her asleep. They thought she was insane she supposed.

"Betty get up come on were going to be late." Her mother said shaking her. Naomi was always annoyed with her daughter and wondered why she just couldn't have a normal child.

"Wha-What?" Betty stuttered sitting up in her bed.

"You're going to be late let's go." Her mother told her leaving the room. Elizabeth sighed and clambered out of her bed. She shivered as her toes touched the cool hard wood floors. Elizabeth grabbed some socks from her drawer and slipped them on her feet. Her toes instantly felt warmer. She tugged a Derry Tigers sweatshirt over her white Camisole. She knew her mother would never let her wear sweatpants to school, or anywhere in public so she tiredly pulled on a pair of acid wash jeans. Betty ran a brush through her previously crimped hair, resulting in a lose wave.

"Elizabeth hurry up!" Her mom shouted from downstairs. She groaned before trudging down the steps. She whirled around the banister coming face to face with her mother.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Naomi asked hands on her hips. Elizabeth sighed before turning around and heading back up the stairs. "That's what I thought young lady."

Elizabeth walked into the bathroom and placed her mint tooth paste on her pastel pink toothbrush. She brushed her teeth, her eyes drooping.

"Come on Betty, get it together." She thought splashing water onto her face. It was part of her routine every morning. Of course it helped for about 10 seconds and she fell asleep in class anyway but she did it anyway.

"Betty let's go now!" Naomi yelled again.

"Coming!" She called tiredly rushing down the stairs.


Her doctor prescribed her more Modafinil and more Melatonin in hopes to balance her sleep schedule. She knew it wouldn't work. Every night she tried her hardest to stay awake so she wouldn't have nightmares, of course it never worked she always fell asleep one way or another.

Elizabeth stepped out the car and slowly walked into school. The dark circles prominent under her eyes shown easily as she headed to her locker, Her backpack hanging loosely off her left shoulder.

"Hey Betty."  her twin Thomas, who looked nothing like her (they were obviously Fraternal, her getting her mothers blonde him getting their father brown hair.) said jogging up to her.

"Hey Elizabeth fall asleep in any classes lately." Greta Kenee snickered as she passed Betty in the hallway. Betty eyes drooped, she was tired of that bitches insults, non the less it hurt, it hurt because she tried not to fall asleep she just did. Her brothers eyebrows creased before gently taking his sisters arm and pulling to the side.

"Hey, Hey Betts, Look at me okay." He said gently putting his hands on her shoulders. Betty looked up at Thomas. "Don't listen to Greta, she doesn't know what shes talking about okay." He said looking at her with a sterness but not a scary one, one that was filled with worry and love.

"Okay." She told him.

Elizabeth and Thomas got to their lockers. Elizabeth turned the lock several times before cursing, giving up on her locker combination completely. She knew Thomas would be right behind her so she headed to her first class. This year was going to be tough.


Two weeks later rumors spread around the school like wildfire, that Stuttering Bills little brother had gone missing. Betty wasn't sure if they were real or not since Bill was a large target for bullying. Thomas believed them, that she knew. But she didn't until
one day when she was walking home from school. Thomas was trailing ahead of her, his walkman in his hands.

The day was cloudy and windy making Elizabeth hug her coat closer to her body. A piece of paper flew into her face making her blink out of surprise. She peeled the wrinkled paper off of her face.

A face of smiling little boy was looking up at her. GEORGE DENBROUGH, it read, LAST. SEEN ON OCTOBER 15TH WEARING A YELLOW RAINCOAT AND GREEN BOOTS. Her stomach dropped. She'd seen that kid, two weeks ago in her dream.

Its just a coincidence she tried to reassure her self, yeah it was just a coincidence.

Oh how wrong she was.

𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 ── BILL DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now