VI✔️ Get Out

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AFTER SEVERAL MORE MINUTES DISCUSSING THE MYSTERY OF DERRY THEY ALL DECIDED TO GO GET SOME LUNCH. The group headed down the near empty streets of Derry and to the local Derry Diner.

Betty smiled as the wind blew through her hair. She forgot about all of her problems with the clown, her dreams and what it all meant, as the sun shined down on her.

"Betts were here." Thomas told her. She nodded hopping down of her bike. The group of eight walked into the Diner. The aroma of burgers and fries hit Betty's nose as she entered. Derry's Diner was a small Diner with a nice 50s vibe. Red booth seats and white tables lined the inside and red bar stools with a metal rim surrounded the bar.

"Hi sit anywhere you'd like." A waitress said walking by them. A tray of milkshakes and fries were in her hand. She headed over to one of the far tables in the back corner. Betty followed her with her eyes. Her heart stopped. Greta Keene and Henry Bowers were sitting in a booth, both laughing. Betty nudged Toms arm.

"Wha-oh." He saw what his sister was looking at. His blood boiled, Greta. Tom swore next time he saw that little bitches face he would break it. His gaze hardened and his hands bunched into fists. Betty looked and saw her brother. Panic went through her. She grabbed his arm.

"Tommy no." She hushed. He looked down at her. His gaze softened.

"But-" He started but Betty cut him off.

"Shes not worth it, please." She whispered seriously. Thomas relaxed and nodded.

"Alright." He breathed.

"Hey you two over here!" Richie hollered. Tom rolled his eyes. Betty grabbed his hand and dragged him to the booth.

"You alright?" Stan asked, his brow furrowed.

"Yeah were good." Betty gave him a closed lipped smile as she slid into the spot next to Bill. Thomas sat across from her, next to Stan.

"Hi what could I get started for you guys today." A waitress said. Her hair was pinned up into a vintage up do and red lipstick painted her lips having a bright contrast to her pale skin.

"Can I have a strawberry milkshake and cheese fries." Betty told the lady.

"Ill just h-have a v-vanilla milkshake." Bill stuttered. The lady smiled slightly feeling sorry for the boys stutter before writing down his order on the note pad.

"Can I have a cheese burger and a coke." Bev said.

"Me too." Ben quickly said after.

"Okay and the three of us will have two large baskets of chili cheese fries and three root beer floats." Richie spoke for Stan and Eddie. The two shrugged not minding what Richie order for them.

"And ill have a bacon burger and a chocolate milkshake." Tom said last before closing his menu. The waitress took their menus and headed off to the back, leaving the group in a silence.

"Soo." Richie said. "Hows your mother Eddie." He smirked slightly watching Eddies face turn bright red. He elbowed Richie in the gut. Richie doubled over, hitting his head on the table. Betty stifled a giggle.

"Stop talking about my mother!" He snapped angrily. Nobody took Eddie seriously when he was angry. He was like a Kola.

"Okay okay cut it out boys." Stan said climbing over Eddie to sit in between the two.

"So guys how were your grades this year." Stan asked trying to start up a conversation not about Eddies mother.

"Not super great ya know im always tired." Betty told them with yawn.

"Mine were pretty good." Bev told them.

"Schools boring! Its summer." Richie said fake yawning. He stretched his arms up and placed one around Stan, who immediately shrugged it off.

"Strawberry Milkshake." The waitress said returning with all the drinks. Betty smiled taking the pink liquid from the waitresses hands.

"Oh did you guys hear that Patrick Hocksetter is gay." Richie exclaimed. Betty's stomach churned. She was pretty sure they didn't know Patrick was dead.

"B-Betty are you a-alright?" Bill asked quietly. The girl nodded plastering a smile on her face. She didn't want anyone to worry about her.

"You know what I saw." Betty whispered joining there conversation. "Greta is here right now with Henry!" Richie's jaw dropped.

"No way." He gasped. Richie was such a drama queen.

"Yeah huh right Tom." Tom glared at his sister.

"Yeah I saw em too they were laughing about some shit." Thomas grumbled.

"Wow who knew to assholes would love each other." Bev snorted. Stan shrugged in response. Betty took a bite of her cheese fries as the group, well mostly Eddie and Richie, began to argue about school gossip. Ben laughed as Eddie hit Richie telling him he was an idiot for believing that shit. Stan just sat uncomfortably in the middle of the two.

"Hey Tommy you okay?" Betty asked her brother. Her brother was glaring. She followed his gaze. Henry and Greta were walking up to their table.

"Hey Sleep, Beaverly." Greta's snotty voice rang through the air.

"What do you want Greta." Bev sighed glaring at the two.

"We just wanted to say hi." Henry sneered looking at all the boys faces. Hard glares and fear shone at the same time.

"Leave, now." Tom spit.

"I think not." Greta said batting her eyelashes. Tom stood up anger pulsing through him. "Go." He commanded sternly. The two didn't budge unfazed.

There was a split second before Tom punched Greta in the face. A sickening crack came from Greta's face. Henry Glared at Tom before lunging at him. Tom ducked Henry. He punched Henrys crotch. Henry doubled over in pain.

"That's what you get for picking on my sister." He growled in Henrys ear before punching his gut. "I don't want to see either of you again." The two nodded. Henry grabbed Gretas arm and helped her up. Blood dripped from her nose. She gave the table one last look before stalking off.

The group was speechless at Toms actions.

"Wow that should keep them away for awhile." Richie said in awe.

𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 ── BILL DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now