II ✔️Satan at Play

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THE NEXT FEW MONTHS WEREN'T EASY FOR BETTY. At least once a week she had a dream about the clown and a kid.  What she figured out was that every time she had a dream about a kid they'd go missing a week later. It started with Georgie and his arm,  then went to Betty begin violently dragged to the bottom of the Quarry, to Ed Corcan getting attacked by some River monster thing  dragging and nipping at him until he toppled into the canal near the standpipe.  It was almost to much for her to bare, she had always seen the clown attacking or doing something, but now it seemed different, more real.

Her body ached all over from each different attack and everyone was worried about the blonde. Her brother was worried more then anyone. He almost refused to leave her side, scared she'd waking up screaming again.

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Byer are you with us?" The teacher, Mr. Henrikson said tapping lightly on her desk.

Betty's head lifted up from the desk, she blinked from the bright light that flooded the classroom. She wiped the drool that was on her chin with her sleeve. A few kids giggled and pointed.

"What a Loser." Greta scoffed to one of her goons. Betty's eyes fluttered down and stared at her desk.

"Um yeah." She said lightly. He gave her a pointed look.

"This is third time this week Miss Byer" He scolded before returning back to his lesson. Mr Henrikson was obsessed with history. He was one of the only teachers in the whole school teaching something on the last day. Today his topic was Russia. He was explaining all about the Romanovas and the great mystery behind their death. Elizabeth, though she loved a good mystery, didn't care.  She glanced up at the clock 2:20. Only a few minutes until she could leave the horrid building. Betty didn't like school at all, the whole time she was there she was just a subject for Greta and her goons to pick on. She was tired of it.

Finally the bell rang and Betty got up out of her seat. Her bladder was killing her. She hated using school bathrooms but she knew she wouldn't make it home so she sucked it up, took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom. It was painted an ugly green color and smelled of Cigarettes.

She sighed before heading into an open stall. Elizabeth heard the door creak open and then a loud bang come from the stall next to her.

"Are you in there by yourself, Beaver-ly. Or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh slut?" The voice of Greta Keene filled her eardrums. Betty froze, forcing her self not to even breathe.  She knew if Greta knew she was there something bad would happen. "I know you're in there, you little shit, I can smell you. No wonder you don't have any friends."

"Which is it, Greta? Am I a slut or a little shit. Make up your mind." A voiced finally piped up from the stall next to her.

  "You're trash. We just wanted to remind you." Greta snipped before Betty heard a rush of water. She felt a downpour fall onto her head. It was trash, Greta dumped trash in the poor girls stall and she got the leftovers. Before Betty could even register what just happened she screamed. She could hear giggling from the other side.

  "I wonder who else we hit Gret." One girl said laughing. Gretas eye peaked though the small crack.

"Its okay,  its a just another piece of trash, Elizabeth Byer." Greta said, Betty could hear the smirk coming off the drugstore brats bubble gum pink lips.

"Such a loser." Someone snickered.

  "At least now they'll smell better." Greta laughed. "Oh Gross. Let's go girls. Have a nice summer, losers, Pathetic." Greta remarked leaving the bathroom. Elizabeth sighed before opening the door and sprinting out of the bathroom. She was embarrassed.

  "Oh my gosh finally!  Ive been waiting forever." Thomas exclaimed when she finally showed up. "Ugh you stink." He said crinkling his nose.

"Thanks." Betty mumbled walking past her brother.

"Oh Betts that not what I meant okay,  im sorry." He asked chasing after her.

  "Its okay Tommy." She sighed.

"Why do you smell so bad anyway."

"Greta, leftover, not meant for me yeah yeah." Toms gaze hardened. "No Tom you are not going after her. Its fine I'll just take a shower when I get home."

"Alright, fine but I swear next time I see her shes dead." Elizabeth let the argument go knowing she wasn't going to win.


The two arrived home a little after 3.

"Im getting a shower." Elizabeth called before heading upstairs.

  She got undressed and turned the shower water up as hot as it would go.  Just how she liked it, hot. Betty stuck her hand in the shower to see if the water was hot yet. When it was she stepped in and let the hot water run over her. After a couple of minutes, Betty noticed the water change. She looked up and screamed. Blood, hot sticky blood was coming out of the shower head. She immediately turned the water off, put a towel on and called for her brother.

  "What what!" Tom said bursting into the bathroom.

"There's blood in the shower!" She told him.  He furrowed his brows before turning on the shower.

"There's nothing there." He said moving out of the way to show her. He was right there was nothing there.

"Okay, maybe I imagined it but can you stay in here with me just in case." She asked him. He thought for a second.

  "I guess." He sighed sitting down on the bathroom floor. Elizabeth got in the shower again and threw her towel out from behind the curtain.

This time there was no blood and she was glad for that.

𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 ── BILL DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now