V✔️The Butterfly Room

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BILL ADMIRED BETTY AS SHE LAID IN THE SUN. The way her golden hair sparkled in the light and how she smiled when Bev whispered something funny in her ear. He was completely and utterly in love with a girl he just met.

"Bev." Betty whispered from her towel.

"What?" Bev quietly hummed back.

"I think their all looking at us." Betty told her. Bev smiled mischievously.

"I have an idea."


"Just look up on three." Betty nodded. "One, two, three." The girls both looked up and giggled as the boys all looked away.

"News flash, Ben, School's out for summa." Richie exclaimed digging through Bens backpack.

"Oh that, that's not school stuff."Ben repiled.

"Then what is it?" Betty asked curiously.


"Who sent you this?" Richie asked cutting Ben off

"No one. No one." Ben panicked once he saw what Richie was holding.

"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked.

"Oh well, when I first moved here, I really didn't have anyone to hang out with so I just started spending time in the library." Ben shrugged.

"You went to the library? On purpose?" Richie asked astonished.

"I wanna see." Bev said excitedly sitting down between Bill and Ben. Betty followed her and sat in-between Bill and her brother.

"Hi." Betty smiled at Bill who blushed slightly.


"What's the Black Spot?" Eddie asked loudly looking at the paper.

"I think it was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult." Betty said her brain going back to one of the many dreams she had as child.

"The what?" Eddie asked furrowing his brow.

"Don't you watch Geraldo?" Richie said in a duh tone.

"Y-y-y-y-your hair..." Bill said turing to Bev. Betty's jaw dropped how had she been so blind that she didn't notice that Bev cut almost all of her hair off.

"Your hair looks beautiful. Beverly." Ben smiled blushing.

"It really does." Betty piped in.

"Oh, hey thanks." Bev blushed looking down at the folder in her hands.

"Oo can I have it." Betty asked. Bev handed her the folder. Elizabeth and Thomas both observed the pictures and news clippings. Betty shuddered feeling the hot heat of the fire and the sharp stings of the bullets.

"You okay?" Tom asked looking at his sister concerned.

"Yeah im good." Betty lied through her teeth.

"Here, pass." Richie said outstretching his hand to Tom. Stan, Richie and Eddie all observed the pictures.

"Hey Betty is this girl looks like you." Stan said looking up at her. Betty furrowed her brow.

"Weird." She muttered.

"Why's it all murders and missing kids?" Eddie asked Ben.

"Derry's not like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once... it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average." Ben told everyone. A chill ran through the air, one that did not go un noticed by Betty.

"You read that?" Thomas asked his haw dropping.

"Thats just grown-ups. Kids are worse way, way worse. I've got more stuff, if you want to see it." Bettys mind flipped through all the kids she had seen from Sally to Veronica and Ed, Georgie. She suddenly felt sick.

"I don't feel good." Betty told Tom.

"Well lets go to Bens then, you can sit down in a house." He told her. Betty nodded not wanting to ruin the almost rekindled friendship between him and Bill.

"Do not freak out, just tell us." Eddie and Richie both said to Tom, when he told them about the one time he left town with his father.

"I heard he has a roller coaster and a chimpanzee... and the bones of an old man." They chattered.

"Woah, woah, woah, wow!" Richie said once he walked into the room. Betty looked around at all the pictures and clips from the news. It was like a wall of dreams to her.

"Cool, huh?" Ben smiled proudly.

"No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool. Well this is cool, wait, no it's not." Richie mumbled picking up different objects.

"What's that?" Stan asked walking up to one of the walls. Betty and Tom right behind him.

"That? That's the charter for Derry Township." Ben responded to Stans question.

"Nerd alert." Richie snorted.

"Actually, it's really interesting. Derry started as a beaver trapping camp." Ben tried to defend himself.

"Still is, am I right, boys?" Richie exclaimed sticking his hand up for a high five. Betty shook her head telling him that no one was going to return it.

"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben continued. Betty shuddered remembering the clown dragging tons of dead bodies to the old well house.

"The entire camp?" Thomas spoke up. "How the hell is that even possible!"

"There were rumors of Indians... but no sign of an attack. Everyone thought it was a plague or something. But it's like... one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of clothes leading to the well-house." Ben looked around at everyone.

"Jesus, we can go on "Unsolved Mysteries." Richie exclaimed excited,

"Let's do it." Thomas exclaimed.

"You are brilliant." Eddie responded as well.

"Maybe. I don't know." Stan said uneasily

"Maybe he's just trying to make friends, Stanley." Richie snipped playfully.

"Where was the well house?" Bill piped up. This was the first time I noticed he was there. His pale face was formed into a frown.

"I don't know, somewhere in town, I guess. Why?" Ben frowned as well.

"Nothing." Bill replied looking back down at the slides he was looking at. Betty frowned observing the boy. His auburn hair sparkled slightly in the sun as his fingers grazed the many photo slides on the table.

"Whats up?" Betty asked standing beside him.

"N-Nothing really. Im just trying to piece some things t-together."

"Cool." She smiled slightly.

"Not really." He shrugged. Betty's cheeks heated up with embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry."

"Stop apologizing." Bill told her.

"Sorry, its all I really know how to do." She sighed.

"Its okay." Bill smiled softly before lightly grasping her hand.

A/N i updated again what! Anyways, there are probably mistakes so sorry abt those.

𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 ── BILL DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now