VII✔️ Hush

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"TOMMY WE SHOULD GO." Betty whispered to her brother. He nodded his jaw clenched. "We're gonna go." Betty said facing the group. They all nodded shock still on their faces. Richie had a small smirk on his face that made Betty want to slap it off his face. Betty grabbed her brothers shoulders and directed him to the door.

"Really tommy." Betty hissed once they got outside. He rolled his eyes at his sister.

  "I'm sorry I'm sorry okay but I couldn't take her bullshit anymore." She nodded. She knew her brother was short tempered and she'd should have expected this.

"It's alright." She sighed. "Lets just go home." So the two walked home hoping that tomorrow would be better.


The next day Betty woke up to the phone ringing. She heard Thomas groggily answer it from the other room.

"Alright, see you in 20." He muttered hanging up. "Hey Betts." He said coming into her room. She hummed in response. "Get ready we're going to Bevs." She sat up.

"Oh alright. Did she say why?"

"Not really she just said she needed our help with something."


The twins got ready and headed over to Bevs meeting the rest halfway through.

When they all arrived at Bevs she stumbled down the stairs.

"I-I need to show you something." She panted placing her knees trying to catch her breath.

"What is it?" Stan asked raising a brow.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie joked. Thomas covered Betty's ears. She elbowed her brother and shot him a glare.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie." Eddie cried over dramatically.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out
that I had boys in the apartment." Bev explained to the group.

"W-w-w-w-we'll leave a lookout." Bill stuttered.  "Now Richie, Thomas, just stay here." He commanded going up the steps. Betty quickly followed Bill.

"Woah, woah, woah,
what if her dad comes back?" Richie whined.

"Do what you always do.
Start talking." Stan replied shrugging.

"It is a gift." Richie calmed after him.

"Dude just stop." Thomas groaned giving Richie a look.

"In there..." Bev said quietly walking toward a small door at the end of the hall.

"What is it?" Eddie asked quietly.

"You'll see." Was all she said. Betty found herself grabbing Bills hand in fear. Not even noticing he grabbed her hand back.

"Great, bringing us to the bathroom.
You know that 89% of
the worse accidents
occur in the bathroom and kitchen.
And that's where all the
bacteria and fungi are...
and it is not a hygienic place..." Eddie whined.  Betty wanted to clock him the head so he would shut up. Bev carefully opened the door. A bright red light filled there eyes. The whole bathroom was covered in blood. Betty gasped burying her face into Bills shoulder. "I knew it!" Eddie cried.

"Do you see it?" Bev asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Betty nodded furiously.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked. Everyone was wondering the same thing, how.

"My dad couldn't see it,
I thought that I might be crazy."
She explained.

"Well if you're crazy,
then we're all crazy." Ben whispered.

"We c-c-c-can't leave it like this." Bill said stepping forward. He wrapped his arm around Betty's shoulders and looked around the room. Betty sighed knowing he was right. If she was in Bev's situation she would want help with it too.

"Alright what do you want us to do?" Betty asked Bill.

"You want to mop the floor?" He asked the small girl. She shrugged as Bev handed her a mop. Bev had gone to get more supplies while Bill told everyone there jobs. Eddie was on floor with Betty while the others were cleaning the walls and the appliances. The girl began cleaning but something felt weird. As if rocks were in the bottom of her stomach. Sweat was lining her forehead. Something wasn't right and she knew it wasn't just the odor of blood stinging her nose. The girl felt her body fall. She hit the ground with a crash and blacked out.

Blood flew everywhere, scaring Betty into a corner. Pieces of hair gripped at the redheads head pulling her closer to the sink. Suddenly a nasty hand appeared holding a pill. Betty tried to scream as the scene changed to Eddie running dangerously for his life. She knew what was happing, this was what her friends had endured. This is what the clown was doing to them. Right as he tripped it flipped to Stan frozen in fear as an ugly lady played the flute in front of him. The music made Betty's skin crawl. The ladies face was all messed up and Betty was utterly appalled. The weird thing was, Betty wasn't feeling pain this time. Maybe her friends hadn't gotten hurt. A scream echoed from somewhere in her brain. It was the clown and he was charging at Bill, Bill. Betty wanted to scream and cry and just wake up. It was too real. As Bill charged up the steps she saw the clown watching her. She knew that he knew.

"Betty?" She heats Tom call.

"Tommy!" She screamed but her voice only seemed to echo in her brain. A bright light filled her eyes. The library. Oh and there was Ben. He was sitting at a table a red balloon floating behind his head. Betty watched, tears streaming down her face. She wanted to wake up. Suddenly Ben was moving and she had no choice but to follow. A tiny egg was placed on the steps. She watched as Ben studied it carefully. A freaking sound came from behind Ben. A boy had came down the steps. Betty wanted to scream to him. As the boy came down the stairs however, he had no head. Her heart pounded in her chest as Ben ran through the rows of the library's basement. The lights flickered creating an even darker mood.

"Egg boy!" She heard the clown spit charging straight at her.

A scream reverberated through Bevs apartment as Betty shot up. Thomas jerked backwards to avoid being hit. Tears streamed down the young girls face as muttered things hysterically. Nobody knew what to do so they just hugged the girl and hopped for the best.

A/n oof sorry for not updating

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