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Author's POV:
"Two days from now,I'd be back in my home country, still haven't sort out with Lei and Taehyung." Lisa said sadly.

She hadn't convince her bro in you know what.

Maybe she'd just escape and go back to Korea?

On the other side, Taehyung didn't know the whole scenario, so he'd go to the address in the letter, just to make sure.

"So this is it, how about the offer? You're just going to decline YG? If you do, we will too." Jennie said as they accompany Lisa.

"Come on! Guys! You need to accept the offer! Just not with me...."

"That's my flight, bye guys! I guess." Lisa said sadly.

She doesn't know when she'd be back.

Lisa answered Taely's phone call just after a few rings.

"I'm fine Taely don't wo-"


"Hey don't scream at my ear idiot! What about hi-"
Lisa was cut off again by Taely screaming.

"He and Irene! ARGH!!! They're back together!!!"

"Oh that's not a pro-
WTF?!! I thought she cheated or something?"


"Bro, I have to go back, I have some unfinished business."

"Which one?"<Taelice> |E X T E N D E D| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now