My brother!

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I was just like minding my own business and listening to music because I was feeling depressed.
My brother turns on the tv and I couldn't listen to my music because he turned up the volume. I asked him to turn it down or find something else to do. You know what happened? He turned it up more and starting saying random things that I think were ment for him but he said it loud enough to hear. He said "Why is she always up on me? Why can the fuzz brain get a life or what tv with me? Oh I know why! Because she's egotistical and has no real friends unless she counts trash and the curb."

I wanted to cry because he ment for me to hear that. His words were not true but they still hurt. I asked him again and he shut off the tv and went right to his tablet and started watching Youtube. OMFG! He was not even using headphones and he knows I hate the Youtube stuff he watches. I asked him to use headphones because my head was pounding and it has been for over an hour at that point.

It has been 2 hours since I asked him to do that and all he did was turn up the volume and tell me to shut up because I was begging him to turn it off or get headphones. I told him I had a headache over hearing that and he goes "Well? Am I supposed to care?"

He does this every weekend at my mom's place. I'm so sick of him doing this on purpose! To be honest right now I want to take his tablet and smash it.

If I wasn't clear above I was saying I don't like watching tv and especially not Youtube unless it's for music. And clearly I hate my brother with a passion!

I think I might literally go insane if I have to listen to My brother watch YouTube for another minute!

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