Introduction (MUST READ)

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Thanks for choosing to read my story, as you probably know, the reader - you - will be able to make choices of your own in this story, and the story will change depending on the choices you make. I know it sounds complicated, but I'm going to explain as clearly as I can about how this will work, but first I'm going to include some context that you will need to know in order to understand the story-

You must pretend that you are in Marco Diaz's position in this situation, the choices that you make will be preformed by him, If you all enjoy this story then I will probably write sequels about the other characters point of views.


Okay, now I am going to attempt to explain how all of this is going to work, if there is something you don't understand, please feel free to ask me in the comments or message me, I will reply to all of your questions as soon as possible.

The story will be set out as followed-

(this is an example and is not part of the story itself.)

Star and Marco get into a fight about who will go and find food, what do you want to do?

Choice A- Agree to go yourself.

Choice B- Force Star to go.

If you choose choice A, please read this part-

"Fine then, Star, I'll go..." Marco looks at the floor in disappointment.

Star huffs angrily and looks at the floor, "thank you!"


If you choose choice B, please read this part-

"I don't care what you say Star! I'm not going, do it yourself!" Marco storms off into the building, leaving Star and Jackie behind.

"What an idiot..." Star shakes her head and rushes off to find food.


Of course the different decisions will be longer than this one, this is just an example.

Now you know how all of this will work, on with the story, and thanks again for reading....!

A Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Story- But Your Choices Matter!Where stories live. Discover now