chapter 10

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The trod lead us to a pod in the London Eye. Thankfully no-one noticed three teenagers appearing from no-where. They were all too busy taking photos and marvelling at how small everything seemed. Ethan led us to a window that had a clear view of parliament. It was quite a distance away on foot, and we were losing the light. I knew many people walked around London at night but I couldn’t. It reminded me too much of dads death. I didn’t really fancy taking on a whole army of forgotten after light either. 

We purchased several maps and a fact file about parliament at a small souvenir shop nearby, just in case.

“Breaking into places is Goodfellows specialty not mine, so we are going to have to take some time to plan.”

“But we don’t have much time.” I said, panicking. “We only have two days left, including today.” I wailed.

“Exactly. We can plan with what’s left of the day, get some rest, then go break in and save your mum tomorrow.” I took a moment to think about how strange and busy my life had gotten recently. Could it have only been a few months ago that I was walking to school with Anne and Rachel, laughing at some dumb joke one of us had made? I thought that Keirran’s plan was probably cutting it a bit fine, but I didn’t have a better suggestion and apparently neither did Ethan.  

I sat on the bed beside Ethan as Keirran paced the length of the room, deep in thought.

“Dude, can you stop doing that? Its driving me crazy.” Keirran stared at him for a moment before sitting down beside us. We had rented several rooms in a nearby hotel. We didn’t book in advance or even pay for them. Keirran said he had pulled a few strings, though I strongly suspected that there was faery glamour involved. We were in my room now, trying to come up with a half decent plan, which would enable three scruff teenagers to sneak into parliament unnoticed. Keirran could just use glamour to make us invisible but there was still heavy security. Using glamour would also alert the forgotten to our whereabouts which would mean we would lose the element of surprise, and would probably be ambushed the moment we set foot inside parliament. So that’s how we ended up in a shabby hotel room, trying to think of a way to get inside parliament, unnoticed, without using magic. We sat in silence for a while, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I don’t know about the other two, but I was having some difficulty focusing. My mind shied away from thinking about breaking and entering, and more importantly, what lay underneath that building. My mind wandered, unable to focus on one thing. For some reason I kept thinking about our conversation with Puck. Could it have been only yesterday we were having a conversation with a mischievous red head sat atop a lamppost? It felt like forever ago. And why would I do that princeling? If you need any help let me know. If you need anything let me know. It was like someone had flicked a switch inside my head. I leapt to my feet with a cry, earning startled looks from the boys.

“That’s it.” I said, more to myself than Ethan or Keirran.

“That’s what?” Keirran asked, looking seriously worried for my sanity.

“Puck. Who better than the infamous Robin Goodfellow to sneak us into parliament? You said he was an expert at this stuff.” I said, looking at Keirran. He sat there, speechless. I could practically hear the cogs whirring inside his head. “He did say he would help us.” I said, determined to make them see reason. Keirran nodded slowly. I had to fight to stop myself from fist punching the air in triumph.  

“But how do we contact him?” said Ethan, shattering my hope like a pane of glass. “And if we do somehow manage to contact him, how can we be sure that he won’t turn up with an army of iron knights? Meghan won’t like this plan at all. She’ll do anything in her power to try and stop it.” Despair took hold of me once more as Keirran nodded his agreement. For a moment I had dared to hope, hope that we might have a plan, hope that we might get in alive, hope that we could save mum. Ethan had just extinguished that hope in the blink of an eye.  

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