game #3

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I turned around and it was


"Hey Hyunjin!" I said smiling brightly. 

Hey, what's up Y/N?" He asked. "Nothing Much, What bout you?" I asked. "Eh, Just bored..." Hyunjin said pouting. "AYOOO!!" A voice comes inturrupting us. "Heyy Y/N!!!" Jisung says. "Hey chubby cheeks." I said smiling. I checked the time and it was 11:05... The recording starts at 11:10. "Oops, I gotta go. Maybe we could all talk next time." I said smiling and waving to them. "Wait, I'll come with you!!" Chan says. "Haha okay..." I said laughing. Chan and I made our way to the recording studio. Once we got there, I thanked Chan then I started to record.

4 hours later...


I got out of the recording session and went to the cafe. I ordered 20 medium drinks of all kind and then went to the SM Building. I looked for Jungwoo but I couldn't find him. Then, I saw a guy with brown hair. "Do you know where Jungwoo is?" I asked. The man took off his mask and it was Kai from EXO. "Yea- Y/N?" He shouted. "C-Can I have a picture?" He asked like a little kid. "Yeah, Sure." I said laughing. We took a picture then he lead me to the NCT Dance room. "Thank you so much, here." I said giving him a coffee. "Thank you~ let's talk next time." He says. I entered the room and gave Jungwoo a back hug. "Surprise!" I said. Jungwoo was shocked at first but then, he hugged me back. "Hey Y/N. How'd you get here?" He asked. "Well, Kai showed me the way here." I said. "Oh, don't go near him." Jungwoo said. "Why?" "I don't trust him haha." Jungwoo says laughing. There were 18 guys in the room just stareing at us. "Hi everyone. I brung drinks for you all" I said smiling. They each took a drink and said thank you. "I missed you!!" Taeyong said as he gave me a bear hug. "I missed you too!" I said smiling. Mark came up to me and dragged me out the room then took me to the bathroom. "I missed you more." Mark says as he kissed me. "I love you." Mark says. I was blushing and I didn't know what to do. "I-" "Come on, the members are waiting for us." Mark said smiling. He dragged me out the room then all of us went in the car to go eat. I sat next to the trainees, YangYang and Xiao Jun. It was a 30 minute ride so I fell asleep...

Jungwoo's P.O.V.

Y/N fell asleep on Xiao Juns shoulder. I could see Mark getting a little jealous next to me. "You like her?" Jungwoo asked. "H-Huh?..." Mark said zoneing out. "You seem Jealous." Jungwoo says teasingly. "Your sister is pretty" Xiao Jun whispers. "That's my girl-" Mark got interuppted. "That's my sister." Jungwoo says glaring at both of them.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Chenle's dolphin laugh. "Morning Beauti- Y/N." Xiao Jun says. "I-" I was flustered because we were like 1 millimeter away. "Was my shoulder comfortable?" He says smirking. "Come on!" Jungwoo says. I got off of the car and stood next to Jungwoo. Lucas came up to me and gave me his jacket. "You can wear it." Lucas says smiling. "No it's fine. She can wear mine." Mark says. "No not yours! MINE!" Xiao Jun says as a pushes them over. "Haha, I'm really not cold." I said giggling. Jungwoo death glared the boys. We sat down and then I suddenly got a call from "Veee❗✨" (v) I picked up the call.

Yah Y/N, You busy?

No why?

Let's hang out!!

Okay. When and Where?

Let's meet in 30 minutes at the arcade.

Okay. See you there.

It's gonna be You and Me.

Okay. Bye bye!!

*hangs up*

"Who was that?" Jungwoo asked with a serious face. "My friend. I'm gonna leave in 15 minutes." I said. "Who's your friend?" Jungwoo asked. "V." I said. Jungwoo is V's biggest fan. "REALLY!? TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASEEE!!" Jungwoo said yelling which made all 21 members look at him in curiosity. "WHERE?" They all said. "I'll be back." I said dragging Jungwoo with me. I called V.

Yeah What's up?

Can Jungwoo come?

Yeah sure.

Okay thanks V

Okay bye. See tou in a bit *giggling*

*hangs up*

We then said bye to the members. "Bye everyone." We both said. "Where are you going?" Mark said making his was toward me. "Somewhere. We'll be back in like a few hours." I said. "Okay, I'll miss you Y/N. Not Jungwoo." Mark says which made everyone laugh. Mark gave me a hug then we left. We made our way to the arcade and when we got there, V was outside. "Hey!" I said. "Y-Y/N, pinch me this is real right?" Jungwoo says looking at V. I pinched Jungwoo and he started to yell. "Ow-" Jungwoo said. "Hey Y/N, Hey Jungwoo-ah." V says hugging us. "Should we have fun?" V says as we go in the arcade. "Of course." I said.

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