game #9

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"Psh, whatever." I said shrugging. "It's gonna be fine!" Lucas said as he hugged me. "What the- Hey! I'm not even sa-" Lucas interuppted me. "Psh, sure you are." Lucas says. "Let go of me!" I said. "Fine." Lucas says sighing. I walked around the house, looking for a first aid kit. When I finally found one, I went to Lucas and slightly smiled at him. "I'm gonna treat your bruises." I said. "No, it's really fine..." Lucas says. "Psh, Yeah right!" I said. I started to heal his wounds on his face, not knowing how close I was to him. "I'm don-" Lucas interuppted me again. "It must've been nice to sit on my leg the whole time." Lucas says. I could feel his breath from when he was talking. "Huh- What?" I looked down and I was on his leg. I got off of him but he just smirked. I went and called Jungwoo.


Y/N (Lucas in italic)

Jungwoo! It's me Y/N, I just got a new phone because mom's bodyguards kidnapped me.

That made zero sense but okay. And what do you mean you got kidnapped? Where are you now?

In Beijing... Sadly...

Have you seen Lucas?

Yo bro~ You were looking for me?

Why are you with her?

Cuz she's my wife, you got a problem with that?

What the heck!? Of course I have a problem.

Mom set me up for a re marriage. I hate it so much, I don't even know why she's doing this.

I'm talking to Mom, she said that It's for your protection.

Haha, weird flex but okay.

I gotta go, *Mark yelling* AYOOOO SKKRTTT

*Call ended*

"Your hands are really small Y/N." Lucas says randomly. "Weird flex- You have big hands-and you're scared of little bugs... tsk tsk!" I said. "Shh, we don't talk about that!" Lucas says. "Haha, whatever." I said laughing. "You're scared of many things, so don't talk about that." Lucas says raising an eyebrow. "Whatever." I said as I walked to the room and changed my clothes. 

I walked downstairs and grabbed some chocolate

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I walked downstairs and grabbed some chocolate. I opened the TV Then, sat down next to Lucas. "Wow! Seductive~" Lucas says whistling. "What? Seduce who? I'm comfortable." I say awkwardly. "Psh, Yeah right!" Lucas says. "By the way, who's ' Chris💜 ' ?" Lucas asked holding your phone. "Oh, that's my friend. Don't worry about it." I said trying to get my phone back. "Catch me if you can!" Lucas shouted as he ran to our room. "HEY!" I yelled as I chased him. Lucas jumped on the bed. I jumped on him, causing him to fall... And me sitting on his lap. "Hah, I got it!" I said smiling as I checked my phone. "Oh~" Lucas says. "What, What's wrong? Did anything happen to my phone!?" I asked. "No, nothing happend to your phone. You're really seducive~" Lucas says winking. "Huh?" I asked. Lucas grabs my waist. "Look at you~ already sitting on my lap~" Lucas says as he bites his lip. "What the fu-" I immeadatly got off of him, not knowing that I was on him. I slapped him hard. "What was that for!?" Lucas says like a idiot. "Psh, you idiot. I'm gonna explore the place." I said as I walked out. "Wait for me!" Lucas says as he runs behind me. Lucas ran and put his arm around my shoulder. "I want to explore too!" Lucas says. "Okay, whatever." I said crossing my arms. We walked around the place. "The flowers are so pretty!" I said smiling. I kept walking... Lucas suddenly disappeared. I sat down on a nearby chair. I saw Lucas coming towards me with FLOWERS!? "Hey, I heard that you wanted these! I hope you like the one I chose you." Lucas says smiling. "R-Really?" I said smiling. "Really." Lucas says smiling. "Thanks." I said smiling. We walked around more (it was night) We head popping coming out from somewhere. We looked up and saw fireworks. "Wow..." We both said smiling. Lucas pulled me into his arms and carried me. He carried me to the rooftop of the house. We layed down next to each other as we watched the fireworks. As I was watching the fireworks, Lucas kissed my cheek and hugged me. I turned my neck so that I could look at Lucas. Suddenly, Lucas kissed my lips. I started blushing at him so, I hid my face. "H-HEY!" I said playfully hitting him. "What you want more?" Lucas says. "Tsk tsk... No. Not from you." I said as I went downstairs. I went to cook food since I was getting hungry. I made Jjagmyeon and Kimbap. As I was cooking/making it, Lucas came behind me and hugged me. "What are you doing this time?" I sighed. "Giving you love and affection." Lucas says as he smiles. I just shrugged. I finished cooking and Lucas started eating. When we finished eating, Lucas washed the dishes and I came up behind him. I gave him a backhug. "What's up?" Lucas says. "I'm giving you love and affection, just like you gave me." I said. I felt sorry that I was being cold towards him earlier. Lucas smiled as he finished washing the dishes. He took off the gloves and turned around. Lucas hugged me and I hugged him back. We went to our room and played games. "LSOSLSO!" Lucas says making alien noises. "I'M GOING TO WIN!" I shouted. "Nah, Not today you're not!" Lucas says as he wins the game. "My finger slipped..." I said pouting. "Yeah, slipped." Lucas said as he teased me just because he won. "Let's just go to sleep..." I said as I layed down on the bed. Lucas layed down and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. I walked to the livingroom, carefully and watched sad dramas. I started crying. I ate Ice cream and cried for the rest of the night. "Boo!" Lucas shouts behind me. "AHHHH!" I screamed. "Don't worry, it's just me- Why are you ignoring crying?" Lucas asked surprisingly.
I pointed to the TV. Lucas sighs. "Idiot..." Lucas says and he flicks my head. I watched a horror film with Lucas. "I'm going somewhere." Lucas says as he stands up. I grabbed his hand. "Let me come!!" I said. "Why?" He asks. "I'm scared!!" I said. "Hey! I'm going to the bathroom. Do you wanna come?" Lucas asks. "No, I'll suffer." I say as I let go of him and went back to the room. I fell asleep as soon as I landed the bed.


I woke up and got ready. I wore that vvvvvv

I went downstairs and saw Lucas

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I went downstairs and saw Lucas. "I'm heading out to a mall near here." I said as I left. Lucas ran after me. "I'll come with you." Lucas says as he grabs my hand. "Psh." I said as I grabbed my own hand. "Psh? Last night, you hugged me and you didn't want me to leave you." Lucas says. "Whatever." I said as I walked faster. "Stay with me at all times, wifey~" Lucas says. "First of all, I'm not your wife." I said annoyed. "Oh, right. Fiance." Lucas says holding my hand. I just let it be. We went inside the mall and saw many stores. Lucas and I were walking around the wall. I was walking, and I saw this cute guy. The cute guy winked at me. Suddenly, Lucas pulled me into a hug.

"You're my wife, not his. So, love me baby."

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