Chapter 1: First day of School

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My name is Alisha and I'm a 1st year school student. I am just transferred student. I'm glad that I transferred here cause my cousin Noor was in this school. That's great that my cousin and my only Friend is here with me. I was so excited to make new friends cause my previous school life was holocaust. But that's good new school new Friends new Classmate that's what I always wanted. I wasn't interested in boys when I was little cause they are so clumsy always thinking about themselves. But I want to see how it's end.

First day of my new school life: I woke up early in the morning and starts preparing my breakfast well since Mom and dad moved to other place Dad visit me every weekend but first 5 days I live alone. I finish my breakfast and gets ready for school. I put the bag on my shoulder and walks outside the house I took a deep breath with a smiling on my face and locked the door. Noor was waiting for me near the tree...I runs towards her.

"Ah...where were you? It's almost time." Noor said:

I rubbed my head and smiles nervously at her "hehe sorry sorry well I just made it. Ok then lets go." I said as I starts walking beside her

We reached at the sakura tree and I stopped in front of her

"Look, Look! Noor!" I said and smiles brightly at her

She made a confuse face while looking at me "Hm?" She said:

"Smiling practice! You think I can make friends like this?" I asked her and smiled again:

She starts walking again ignoring my smile as she replied "Probably not, Alisha."

I suddenly turned around "Hey! At least give it some thought before you answer! Making friends are the important part of high school life." I said as we keeps walking:

"Probably...But you shouldn't force yourself." Noor said:

"But I'd sooner die than live a lonely high school life. You know very well how was my previous School life so be a little serious on me." I said while my face was all grumpy

"But..." Noor said:

"No But..." I was completing my sentence as a blond haired guy Passes through me. He was wearing a Black dress with a with a white shirt inside the coat. His hands were on his pocket. His expression seed annoyed to me as he peak a little from his shoulder I pauses for a moment cause I was keep staring at him:

"Alisha..? What's wrong?" Noor said:

I quickly looked at Noor and replied back "H-Huh..? Oh nothing I was just thinking something. Nevermind, We should get going or we'll be late." She finishes her sentence and starts walking again

They reached the school and went inside I was near my classroom

"Ok then Good luck.." Noor said waving me bye cause she was one year ahead than me.

I sighed and opened the door I stepped inside the classroom but suddenly a book hit on my head and I fell down. The whole class just laughed. I slowly gets up with an annoyed face to see who threw the book at me that was a blue haird guy standing in front of me asking me to give him his book. I quickly stood up and starts yelling at him.

"H-Hey What is your problem? Can't you see that someone is coming inside the classroom..." I said angrily

The guy I just yelled at his name was Sinji he was a bit trouble maker and pervert

"Haaah!!! How would I know that? And beside isn't this a warm welcome for our new classmate?" Sinji said

My blood was boiling so fast but I sighed and gave him his book back and return to my seat. I put my bag on the table everyone was talking with each other cause they grouped up already? Except the Sinji guy who was sitting right next to me. The more I hate boys the more they get attached to me and my first talk was a boy.

"Ugh....What should I do now? There is someone who hasn't grouped yet." She said to herself:

"Ah....Someone is feeling alone! I guess I should make you more happier Don't you think?" Sinji said:

I looked at him with an annoyed face of mine and smiles bitterly at him "N-No thanks I'm Good." I said:

Finally the school end and I ran to my cousin she was waiting near the gate 

"What took you so long?" Noor said:

"Sorry Sorry I couldn't find my things." I said as I rubbed the back of my head

"Ok lets go, I need to get home soon we have some guest coming." Noor said while walking 

"Oh....So that's mean you can't come to my house today well It's ok it'll be lonely."  I said

We were keep walking silently as I saw the guy which I saw in the morning before school He was leaning against the wall folding her arms his eyes were fully closed I stopped for a moment my gaze was on him He then opens his eyes and looked at me His expression was so calm I felt that he is not around from here he was keep staring at me like I do suddenly Noor called me and I ran to her but He was still looking at me and I found it so annoying.

Finally I reached home lonely as always I took a shower and eats lunch and starts doing my homework after a little while I looked outside the window and there he was standing looking up at my house and smirks for no reason I stood up and closed the window angrily

"Who is that guy? He got some nerve staring at me like that. Tch...That's why I don't like boys." I said:

After completing my homework I eats dinner and play some games on my ps4 I was big fan of games and technology after playing some games I went straight to bed.

                              Next Day................. 

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