Chapter 5: Sunday shopping

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"Hmmm...It's weekend already!" I said to myself while looking outside from window and suddenly Ishtar walks up to me as I looked up to her

"Yo Alisha! I was wondering...." Ishtar said

"Yes...?" I said in gentle tone

"If you are free this Sunday? Why don't you come with us for shopping?" Ishtar required 

"Sure....It'll be fun, I'll invite Noor as well." I agreed on her decision

"Ok then....see you tomorrow and don't be late. We'll meet up that park fountain understand!?" Ishtar said while walking away 

I looked down as she gone and thinks to myself "Shopping? How do you do that? well I should inform Noor about it." I stands up picks up stuff walking up to Noor's class and inform her about plans

"Why do you want me to come, too?" Noor required

"Why not? We can all have fun together!" I said while putting my shoes on

"So when or where do you want me to meet up with you guys!?" Noor asked 

"Tomorrow 11:30 at the park fountain"  

"Hmm...Ok I'll be there tomorrow." She waves her hand "Ok I'm going home now. So will go with your Boyfriend right?" Noor smirks

I made a grumpy face  "He's not my Boyfriend! And beside I don't have any choice if I don't do it He'll kill me!" I said crossing my arms 

"Hai...Hai...Later!" She said and walks outside the school suddenly Gil hits my head

"It hurts!!" I said in pain while rubbing my head as I looked behind "Can't you do it a little more gently?" 

"Mongrel! I was looking all over for you. What are doing here without even informing me?" Gilgamesh said in enrage voice 

"Huh...? Oh sorry I was informing Noor about our plans." I said 

Gilgamesh walks out from school gate and asked "What plans? are you going somewhere and why didn't you tell me?"

I followed him behind and replied "Oh no I'm not going anywhere...tomorrow we are just going for shopping Ishtar made plans so...." 

Gil suddenly holds me by my shirt and gazing at me down with and start to gave me a ranting speech "You are not going anywhere with her Mongrel! And without even telling me I won't allow it."

I started to yell at him "Haaaa!!! Why are you being so mad about it? You think I'll obey you on that....NEVER!!!!" I gulp


I petrified "H-Hai....understood!" 

He then let me go and walks ahead I then smirks at him and thinks to myself  "Who do you think you are? Me Mongrel? I will never ever listen to you. you chubby old man"


"Ahhhh!!! What should I wear today? I can't think of anything. I wonder what Noor and ishtar will wear." I squealed and pick one it's color was gray and has brown coat on it with a light pink scarf. I quickly put it on and scream

"Ahhhhh!!! Ishtar gonna kill me I'm late."  I quickly run to them and panting a lot

"You are late...Where were you?" Ishtar said 

"Sorry...I was having trouble with my clothes. So shall we go then?" I said as we started to walk and suddenly Gilgamesh stepped we saw behind and there he was my eyes widen cause he was so different his hair weren't down and he was wearing a white jacket with a furry collar on it.

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