Chapter 6: Apology

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Another day:

I woke up and do my things like routine, Dad wasn't home this week too. 

"Ahh...Today I have to go and check my eyes but I couldn't go now cause it's already time for school. Well I'll go after that But what if teacher asked me to read something what will I do then. God please just help me today!" 

I reached school I looked at Gil he was so angry cause yesterday I called him Horrible, I sighed 

"So you guys had so much yesterday Sorry I called Ishtar so sudden." Ereshkigal said

"N-No No...It's fine we were just finished our shopping so it's no problem." I replied nervously 

I looked down cause I felt so guilty I really am so bad I should just apologize him

I was just thinking as teacher said my name I quickly stand up 

"Alisha you are not paying any attention here ok tell me what is the answer of this question?" Teacher asked I was so scared not because of that I can't know the answer just I can't see clearly what was writing on the board

"I'm sorr——" I was just apologizing suddenly Gil stands up and interrupt

"What is it Gil?" Teacher asked from him

"About the third question you wrote it wrong Sir!" Teacher forgot and erase the question "you are right sorry about that ok now next question is?...." I sat down looking at him as he peaked from his shoulder and smirks 

*Class end*

Gil walks up to me with his angry scary face and looked at me down I wasn't scare at all cause I knew It was all my fault he was just trying to help me. I suddenly put my face on the table hiding my face from him and apologized 

" I'm so sorry Gil....I called you Horrible! I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me!"

Gil smirks and placed a hand on my head 

Gil smirks and placed a hand on my head 

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"Hmph...You really are stupid as ever. Who said I'm angry?" Gil said sitting in front of me

"Huh?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes  "But I called you horrible." 

"Of Course that is why I'll give you a punishment." Gil smirks

"Huh? Punishment? HAAAA!! What do you mean?" I yelled 

"Pff...You are such a Mongrel! Do you really think I would let you go that easily after all you said to me?" Gil said while smirking "But first of all what is bothering you? Tell me the truth if you make any excuse I'll throw you off from that window!"

I closes my eyes and looked down  "I-It's just I'm not seeing clearly from yesterday. I think my eyes...." 

" Just all this..." Gil starts laughing 

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