Chapter 10:

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                  Waking up late in the morning, I sits up and rubbed my eyes. I thought that I'm in my house but I wasn't, after rubbing my eyes I looked around the room.

                                      "I'm still in Gil's house. I have to get out of here!"

                After thinking to myself I quickly ran to the door and thank God it wasn't locked, Opened it a little bit and peaks outside carefully. After looking left and right the whole hallways was empty. I carefully stepped outside and starts walking to the left suddenly a voice came from behind and stopped me. I slowly turns around and there Gil and Enkidu were standing. I petrified a little and stayed silent. Gilgamesh slowly moves his lips to speak.

                            "Where do you think you were going Mongrel!"

              I looked down and starts to thinking fast...after pauses for a moment I looked at Gil and spoke.

                         "N-No where...I just woke up and finding my—" I stutter and Gilgamesh spoke up before my sentence.

                      "Hmph! Do you know what's the time? This is not the time for maid to wake up!"

          I looked around confusedly that which maid is he talking about? 

                     "I'm talking about you Mongrel!"

      I looked at him and quickly pointed a finger at myself "M-Me!?" I tilted my head and suddenly realized....

                 "Haaa!!! I'm not your—I'm going home. I skipped the school today. I will not do the same tomorrow..."

 Suddenly the same portal opened and handed me a broom, I look at the broom and then looked at them back. Gilgamesh petted my head while walking aside me.

            "Hurry up and start cleaning. We'll see you at noon!" 

"Me clean!?" After thinking to myself I stayed quiet as Enkidu gently kissed me on the forehead and start walking with Gil. They both went outside Before I look at them , I blushes a little.

             "Hmph! What do you think I am? I'll give the clean up that you'll never forget!"

I smirks while thinking to myself and starts cleaning up the whole house.

                                                                             *Time Skips...*

         "Haha!! It's all done, wow it's my new record in cleaning. I cleaned up the whole house just in 2 hours." 

 Gilgamesh and Enkidu arrived as I was standing with proud, Enkidu quickly runs towards me and hugged me tightly..My heart starts pounding so much at his hug as I blushes softly.

                "You are so great Alisha!" 

Enkidu praise my work happily but Gilgamesh wasn't satisfied at all, Gilgamesh closes his eyes and crossed his arms.

            "It's fine I guess...But still you have to learn so much Mongrel!"

 I looked at him with sparkly eyes of mine and starts to cry a little in happiness. This was the first time someone praised my work. And I felt so happy. Gilgamesh looked at me confusedly and spoke:

        "What...? You want me to give you a hug?"

I happily opens my arms to him for hug "Yessss!!!~~~"  

Gilgamesh flicked my forehead   "I refuse...You are so dirty and sweaty. Enkidu please Clean this mongrel!" I made a grumpy face as Enkidu held me by my shoulders and walks me with Bathroom. 

            "You will wash yourself or should I do—" Enkidu was asking as I quickly interrupt

                     "No...I'm fine! I will do it by myself." I blushed and looked down suddenly Enkidu placed a hand on my cheek and smirks.

                   "Why are you so afraid of me?"  Enkidu required as I quickly snap his hand from my cheek.   "Shut up you little piece of junk Chains!!!"  After saying that I quickly went inside the bathroom.

           Enkidu tilted their head confusedly  " Junk Chains!?"

After a while I dressed myself in beautiful white clothes, Brushed my hair and went to Gilgamesh and Enkidu. they were both laughing and enjoying themselves with drink. I slowly walks closes to them Gilgamesh smirks as he looked at me but Enkidu was so happy to see me in a beautiful dress. I was just going to enjoy their but suddenly my phone rang I answered it and it was Noor.


U-Uh...I quickly hung up  "I have to go now!"  I starts towards the door but Gilgamesh ordered Enkidu to not let me go. Suddenly the same Chains starts to binding me up.

               "Gil please let me Go. I promise I'll get back to you but now if I wouldn't I'll be in a big trouble." 

    Gilgamesh stands up and walks closes to me and starts caresses my cheek and smiles

                 "Not now Mongrel! You'd known our secret. I can't let you go now you understand."

        "Gil...I guess we have to let her go. She won't reveal it!" Gilgamesh looked behind at Enkidu as Enkidu spoke and release me. 

          "FINE!!" Gilgamesh said after giving me an angry look and leaned down to my face  "If you tell anybody about this even your Mongrel Cousin. I will kill you with my bare hands."

        I nods and runs outside the house and meet up with Noor

           I was panting "I'm here!"  

  "where were you? and what are you wearing Alisha?" Noor required as I looked down at my dress and scratches my head while laughing nervously 

           "It's a long Story!"

"Ok let go to your house then you tell me!" 

Me and the Blond GuyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora