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Hi, my name is Electra Cerulli. I'm what you might call emo, with blue hair, snakebites, and a septum piercing. My wardrobe is black on black on red on black on purple on black. If you can't tell, my favorite colors are black, red, and purple. I'm 16 years old, and I have a twin sister named Sidra. My dad is Chris "Motionless" Cerulli, and he's raised us on his own since we were four, when our mom, Sin, abandoned us. He hasn't been completely alone though, the rest of his old band, Motionless In White, have helped raise us, along with their wives, one of whom is my aunt Jealousy. Motionless In White split up shortly after my "mom" left us; my dad quit the band because he just didn't have it in him anymore, now that she was gone, and they didn't think getting a new singer was right, so that was the end of Motionless In White (See what I did there?!cx) My favorite bands are all oldies: Nirvana, Sleeping With Sirens, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, Suicide Silence, A Day To Remember, All Time Low, Blood on the Dance Floor, Falling In Reverse, Escape the Fate, Snow White's Posion Bite, Of Mice & Men. The only band I like that's newer is called Seek the Lost. There's more, but I think you get the idea! My favorite movies are basically every horror movie, and some comedies. I love writing, be it songs, stories, poems, whatever. I love singing as well; my dad says I got my vocal talent from him, and my sister sounds like mom- a good voice, but very quiet. Dad has even taught mechow to scream. I'm actually fairly popular, and I'm dating the hottest guy in school: Storm Graves. Kickass name, I know. My best friends are my sister, a guy called Lucas, and a girl called Rain. Oh and I cuss like a sailor.

Well, enough about me, let me tell you some about my family.

My dad is 48 years old, and he stayed single after my mom left. Aw who am I kidding, fuck calling her mom, her name is Sin and that's just what I'll call her. Dad stayed single cuz he swore he would never love someone the way he loved Sin. His favorite bands are all way older, stuff like the Misfits and Marilyn Manson. He loves horror movies like I do, and his favorite things basically are my sister and I, music, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes, chicken wings, and hockey. Mess with any of those things, your death is no one's fault other than your own.

Then there's my aunt Jealousy. She has blue and pink hair, and she's absolutely batshit fucking crazy, but I love her to death. She's Sin's older sister, and wound up being diagnosed with depression when Sin left. She's married to Ricky "Horror" Olson, MIW's old guitarist, and my dad's best friend. They have a kid my age, called Azarius.

Next are my honorary uncles, Balz, Angelo, Ryan, and Devin, who everyone usually calls Ghost. Then there are the wives. Balz married Ryan Ashley, Ryan married a girl called Allie, Ghost married a girl called Kylie, and Angelo never did get married. He almost did, to a girl named Kelly, but she died of leukemia a month before the wedding. It was harsh.

Finally, you have my twin sister Sidra. We're into all the same things, except she draws instead of writes. She's super sensitive, sweet, and caring, definitely more than I am. I'm more of a rough and tough, "fuck your shit," bitchy girl. We're obviously Daddy's girls, which comes in handy cuz we can usually sucker him into whatever we want. Sidra is bicurious, whereas I know I am. She has bright red hair, angel bites, and an eyebrow piercing. She's slightly shorter than I am, and we're both extremely pale, due to our shared hatred of sunlight. She often has night terrors, so I usually sleep in her room to comfort her, even though I have my own. Her room has dark purple walls, with all black furniture. My room has black walls, with primarily black furniture; my dresser and vanity are white. Sidra is a lot smarter than I am, though. She gets straight A's, doesn't ever get into anything bad. I'm passing all my classes, but barely, and have a tendency to drink (usually Jack Daniels) and smoke cigarettes.

All right, I think you've heard enough now. You know the basics about me, and everyone else. I would fill you in on Sin, but I don't know shit about her, so you'll have to deal. This is my story.

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