Never Saw It Coming

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I woke up still gagged, but without the blindfold. I was chained to bedposts in only my bra and underwear. My head was sore and I felt sick to my stomach.

I could faintly remember talking to Charlotte at the concert, and then I went outside. What the Hell happened outside?!

I tugged against the restraints desperately, but it was useless; I wasn't going anywhere. I tried to scream, but it was muffled by the gag.

I surveyed my surroundings to see I was in a cement, windowless room, probably a basement. There was a chair in one corner, and a chest in another. There was one door in the room, that clearly wasn't wooden.

I laid there, crying in fear, for probably an hour before the door opened. A tall man dressed in all black, face covered, walked in.

I panicked and pulled on my restraints once more, desperate to get away. "Look who's awake." The man said.

His voice was gruff and threatening. I started crying again, terrified of what he would do to me. "No use fighting," he chuckled harshly, "you're not going anywhere."

He approached the bed and kneeled on the end of it, then leaned over to run his hand up my leg to my inner thigh. I whimpered and tried pulling away, but again, it was useless.

"I think you'll sell quite well." the man said happily, digging his nails into my skin. Sell? Like, as a sex slave? Oh God no, I would sooner kill myself.

The man got off the bed and went back to the door. He opened it and motioned for someone to join us. Another guy walked in.

He was dressed the same as the first, but he was shorter. As soon as he got a look at me, he shook his head, then whispered something to the first guy.

"Oh shit, that's HER?" He exclaimed. The other nodded angrily. Fuck, we're just gonna call them One and Two, okay?

One swore and spat on the ground. "I'm sorry man, but there's nothing we can do now, we can't risk her ruining everything." Two grabbed One by the collar and punched him, sending him backward into the wall.

"Chill out!" One yelled, rubbing the side of his face. I watched them fearfully, terrified I would get hit as well, or worse. "I didn't fucking know it was Electra, I would let her go if I could!"

They knew who I was? Why couldn't they let me go? I had countless questions going through my head as their "argument" progressed.

Two grabbed his phone from his pocket and showed something on the screen to One. Two pointed at the phone, then at me. One looked at the screen, then at me.

"Ya know what man," One scratched the back of his head, "you only showed me that once. You really expect me to remember that?"

Two tried to punch one again, but One caught his arm and twisted it, bringing Two down to his knees. "We have to go through with the plan, you know that." Two said firmly.

One glared up at Two, pulled his arm away, stood, then pointed from himself, to me, then back at himself.

Did I know Two? And why couldn't he talk? I didn't know anyone that was a mute.

"I understand, but-" One was cut off by Two screaming, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" I knew that voice immediately.

It was Storm.

I tried to scream his name, but the gag kept me from it. I started sobbing then. How could this be happening? Storm, of all people?

Storm sighed and removed his face covering, then walked over to the bed and sat next to me. "I'm so sorry Electra, this shouldn't be happening to you."

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