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I woke up in the middle of the night to Dad shaking me frantically. "Electra, your sister needs you!" he told me.

I jumped out of bed wide awake when I realized I could hear Sidra screaming and sobbing: another one of her night terrors.

I rushed into her room to see Sin trying desperately to wake up Sidra. "Just move." I growled, pulling her off the bed. Sin moved aside, and I climbed onto Sidra's bed, pulling her into my lap.

"It's okay baby girl, I'm here, I'm here." I said soothingly, rocking her as I spoke. Sidra started to calm a little, and I gently brushed her hair away from her forehead, then gently pressed my lips to her now bare skin.

I sensed that Sin was still there, so I looked up at her, and saw her in the doorway with Dad. "I've got her," I told them, "you guys go on back to bed."

Sin started to protest, but Dad cut her off. "Electra is the only one that can calm her; just leave them be." Sin gazed at me a moment longer, envy and sadness in her eyes, and then followed Dad back to bed.

I continued to rock my sister as though she were a baby. Eventually, she shot up with a rush of adrenaline, breathing heavily. "It's okay, it's okay, I got you." I said, pulling her back down.

She curled up in a ball on the bed as another sob shook her body. I sighed and whispered, "Come here baby girl." as I laid down next to her.

Sidra snuggled up to my side, putting her head on my shoulder. I slipped my arm around her waist as I instructed her to relax and take deep breaths.

After a few minutes, she was near sleep once more. I started to get up, but she held onto my hand. "Will you stay?" she whimpered. She looked so helpless, but so adorable.

I smiled at her. "Of course I will, let me just turn off the light." She nodded and released my hand. I got up and walked across the room, flicked off the light switch, then got back into her bed.

We snuggles up together again, and this time she wrapped one arm around my torso. "You gonna sleep?" I asked her quietly, and she nodded. I gave her a small peck on the lips and said, "Sweetdreams."

I realize sisters aren't exactly supposed to kiss and all, but you know what, I really don't give a shit. It just shows we're close, and it's not like anyone else knows about it. "Thank you..." she mumbled sleepily, then yawned. Sidra buried her face in my chest, and soon, we were both asleep.

At school the next day, I decided to have her come sit with me again at lunch, so I could ask about her night terrors last night.

I sent her a quick text about it as I went and met up with my group.

Electra: sit w/ us again, ya?

Sidra: o, um, ok...

I shook my head at her shyness as I reached our table and dropped my backpack onto the ground. "What's up, fuckers?!" I greeted them as I sat beside Storm. "The sky." Rain replied smugly, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So is the ceiling." Lucas pointed out with a laugh. "You little shits." I grumbled, leaning my head on Storm's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist, shaking his head. "You just don't like food, do you?" he whispered as my belly grumbled.

"No, I don't." I whispered back. In all fairness, it isn't food I dislike, it's the fact food has calories and fat and sugar, all that stupid shit. I would rather be skinny and hungry then fat and full. I would rather my weight be a bit lower, but for now, 107 at five feet eight inches is okay.

Sidra approached the table nervously, and I smiled. "Hey love!" I greeted her, patting the space beside me for her to sit. "Hey sis, everyone." she smiled shyly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

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