My Heart Is In This Fight Forever

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I walked away from Sidra and my dad, and...Sin. Sin found us while at the mall, and came running, basically tackling Dad. He was so amazed to see her, and so incredibly happy. Sidra didn't really know what to think; I guess she was in shock. I, on the other hand, was pissed as fuck.

How fucking dare she turn up, after twelve fucking years, and act like it's all okay? Cuz um, it sure as shit isn't!!!

I heard a pitter-patter of footsteps behind me, and then felt a hand on my arm, preventing me from going any further. "Electra, calm down!" Sidra told me, standing in front of me.

"To Hell with that, I'm not fucking sticking around for this shit." I growled, and Sidra put a hand on her hip. "Now, Electra-" "NO I am not listening to one of your trademark lectures!" I yelled at her. When it comes to people parenting me, Sidra disciplines me more than Dad.

"Yes, you are. Look, I get that Sin left us and all, but don't you want to hear HER explain why? And you can't tell me that deep down you don't miss her, or wish you had a mom." Sidra said. "Wanna bet?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip as well, "I do not fucking miss her, nor do I wish I had a mom."

"Electra Mirielle Cerulli!"

"Aw shit..."

I felt another hand on my arm, which grabbed me and spun me around. "Electra, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Dad asked, looking seriously pissed. "Getting the fuck away from HER." I snapped, nodding at Sin, who was standing just behind him.

"Electra, be nice." Sidra said disapprovingly. "Be quiet young lady, you ran off too." Dad hissed, glaring at my twin. She lowered her gaze to the floor. "Chris, take it easy." Sin said quietly, putting a hand on Dad's arm.

Sin was different than I remembered her. When I was four, she had red and purple hair, that was about medium length, and seemed kinda tall, with a lip piercing. Now, she had blonde hair to her waist, was my height, and had no lip piercing.

Of course, the height thing was probably due to the fact I was a midget.

"I'm not gonna take it easy, Sin. You may have left, but that doesn't mean they get to misbehave." Dad said, and I folded my arms over my chest. "I was walking away so I WOULDN'T." I grumbled under my breath.

"So Sin," Sidra interrupted, trying to diffuse the situation, "what um... how've you been?" Sin smiled sadly at her, and shook her head. "Pretty shitty, honestly." Sin said, forcing a chuckle, "There hasn't been a day I haven't missed all of you, and wanted to come home."

"Then why didn't you?" I snapped at her, and Dad shot me a dirty look, my signal to shut up. "It doesn't matter, Electra," he told me, putting one arm around Sin's waist and smiling at her, "she's back now, and THAT is what matters. You will come home, right?"

Sin smiled at him. I hate to admit it, but she really does have a beautiful smile. "Of course I will. I'm so happy you don't hate me, Chris." Sin told him, leaning her head onto his shoulder.

My first instinct was to grab her by her hair and pull her ass to the ground, then break her face in, but I somehow found the strength to resist, settling for digging my fingernails into my palm.

"Wait a minute, what?!" Sidra exclaimed. "I'm coming home, baby girl." Sin replied, reaching an arm out to her once more. I pulled Sidra closer to me, glaring at Sin. "Don't touch my fucking sister." I seethed, nearly losing all self control.

Sidra broke away from me, but still wouldn't touch Sin. "I think I may hold off on the warm and fuzzies..." Sidra mumbled quietly, looking away. Sin looked hurt, but I could also see understanding in her eyes. "That's just fine." Sin told her, trying to sound positive.

Like I couldn't see right through that bitch.

"So, where've ya been?" Dad asked her, and she said she's spent the majority of the last twelve years up in a cabin, about two hours from here. "As beautiful as it is," she added, "there isn't a damn thing you could do to get me back there."

"Don't ask?" Dad guessed, and she nodded, eyes welling with tears. "God I'm so fucking sorry Chris." Sin told him, one tear escaping her. Yeah, never mind giving US an apology. Fuck you too.

"So, she's...coming home with us?" Sidra asked Dad. He looked to Sin for an answer. "I'll have to take my car, but yes, if you'll have me."

"Then in that case, see ya, would really fucking hate to be ya." I said smugly, then turned to walk away. "Uh uh, ass back here missy." Dad ordered, and I ignored him, heading to sit on a nearby bench.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts, then decided to text my boyfriend of two years, Storm.

Electra: babe :(

Storm: wats wrong boo?

Electra: @ the mall w/ dad & Sidra, & found our mom

Storm: r u serious?! stay there, b there soon

"Electra, come on!" Sidra yelled, walking past me with Dad, who was holding hands with Satan's mistress. "We're leaving?" I asked, and she just motioned for me to follow.

I got up and followed them, texting Storm in the process.

Electra: we're leaving rite now, the bitch is coming 2. will u come ovr wen we get home?

Storm: of course boo

We wound up walking to Sin's car, and it took more self control than I knew I had in me not to freak out over it. Sidra on the other hand lost her shit entirely.

"Oh. My. GOD." Sidra squealed, "THIS is your car, really?! Holy crap I'm so jealous of you that's amazing!" Sin laughed at her. "Do you wanna ride in it with me?" Sin asked, unlocking her '67 Chevy Impala.

Sidra started to say yes, but caught herself, instead saying, "Maybe another time." "I'll hold ya to it." Sin said teasingly, and I rolled my eyes as I scoffed at how lame she was.

Dad hugged Sin tightly to his chest, as if she were about to abandon us again. "I love you Sin." he said quietly, and I saw a tear fall as she told him, "I love you too." He pressed his lips softly to hers for a moment, then let her go.

Once we were far enough to be out of ear-shot, I said, "That was fucking disgusting." "Oh like you've never kissed anyone!" Dad shot back, making Sidra and I both laugh.

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