Make Your Move, I Dare You

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I barely slept that night. I couldn't stop thinking about everything Sin told me, and about what happened with Sidra. I kissed my fucking sister, and I wanted more. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I finally got to sleep around five, only to wake up an hour later. Sidra was back in my room, waking me up once again. "No." I grumbled at her, turning to face the wall.

Sidra giggled at me, then climbed onto my bed. "We have school, you have to get up." She told me. "You gonna help me wake up?" I mumbled sleepily.

She pulled on my shoulder, making me lay on my back, then straddled my waist. "How would you like me to help?" she asked teasingly. I pulled on her shirt to bring her closer to me, then pressed my lips against hers.

Her hands moved to my sides and I put one gently on the side of her face as our lips moved together, and our tongues intertwined.

She pulled away breathlessly. "That help?" she giggled, blushing as she sat up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

I nodded and smiled at her. "Good." She got up and walked out, leaving me to get ready alone.

I flipped my blanket off me and climbed out of bed, stumbling over to my closet. "Daddy!" I yelled as I pawed through shirts.

Dad came in running. "What's wrong?!" he panicked, scanning the room. I grabbed a black sequined tanktop as I answered, "Can we get Starbucks? I got like, an hour of sleep, and I feel dead."

He sighed and shook his head. "You scared the shit out of me." he grumbled. I threw the top on the bed as I opened my drawer of skirts.

"That a yes or a no?" I asked, searching through the drawer. "You gonna go inside and get it? Cuz I'm not changing into day clothes this morning. Nope."

I laughed, looking at his black sweat pants, Jack Skellington slippers, and no shirt. "Yeah, I can go inside." I answered, grabbing a white, ruffled skirt that ended just above my knees.

"You gonna get me my coffee too?" Dad asked hopefully, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm getting coffee for everyone, aren't I?" I huffed. "That wants it!" he laughed, then walked out.

I shut the door after him, then stripped down to my bra and underwear. I put on the tanktop and skirt, then looked into my full-length mirror that hangs on my wall. It was cute, but missing something.

I walked back to my closet, looking through it again. I grabbed out a white jacket that came to just below my ribcage, then looked into my mirror again. Perfect.

I pulled out my curling iron and set it to start heating as I pulled out my makeup. I did a dark smokey eye, complete with wing-tip eyeliner and mascara. By the time I was done, the curling iron was ready to use.

I ran a brush through my thick hair, then curled it. There was a light knock on the door when I was almost done, so I told whoever it was that they could come in.

Sin walked in and sat on my bed. "You made your daddy a happy man this morning." she chuckled, and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

The man really loves his coffee.

I finished curling my neck and turned off the device, wrapping it up and putting it away. "About last night..." she said.

"What about it?" I asked coldly. "Think I'll get to be Mom any time soon?" she asked hopefully. I thought for a minute and shrugged. "Time will tell."

She looked down and nodded. "Thank you for at least letting me explain things..." she said quietly. "Welcome." She got up and started to walk out, but I stopped her.

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