Give Up And Get Out

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I sat in the cafeteria with my usual group of people: Storm, Lucas, his girlfriend Sabrina, Rain, and Rain's girlfriend (Rain is lesbian) Julie. I wished Sidra would sit with us, but she gets really bad social anxiety in situations like this, so she usually sits by herself listening to music.

Storm and I were telling people about The Queen of Hell coming back, and they were less than thrilled. "So, she's living with you again?" Rain asked. "Unfortunately." I sighed.

Rain is a really gorgeous girl. She has wavy, rainbow hair that goes to her lower back, with snakebites, and pretty brown eyes. Her signature thing is wearing these really beautiful, vintage, black frilly dresses, with corsets that I have no idea how she finds but I would steal if given a chance.

"Sidra has already taken a liking to her, but my little ray of sunshine here isn't having it." Storm said, wrapping a strong arm around my waist. He lightly kissed my cheek, and I smiled.

"Ray of sunshine? More like ray of darkness!" Lucas joked. He has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and stretchers. He has small ones though, and plans on keeping them that way. "I'm not all bad!" I giggled, and Julie scoffed.

"Sweetie if you weren't so sneaky, you would already have a rapsheet a mile long." she informed me, flashing a wicked smile. Julie has brown hair, which is about medium length, with powder blue eyes and slightly tanned skin.

I asked her what things I've done would be on my rapsheet, and she snickered before replying. "Indecent public exposure, underage drinking, underage smoking, possession of a weapon, defacement of city property, do I need to keep going?"

I grumbled a, "No." making everyone else laugh as I crossed my arms and pouted, jutting out my bottom lip.

"You know we love you!" Sabrina exclaimed. Sabrina had wavy dirty blonde hair that was the same length as Rain's, with blue eyes, a nose piercing, a dermal, and spiderbites. I almost think she would be cuter with Rain, but it is what it is.

"Everyone loves me!" I chirped, then planted a kiss on Storm's lips. "Can I get in on that?" Rain joked. I forgot to mention she's my exgirlfriend as well as being my best friend. Oh fucking well, now ya know.

Storm raised an eyebrow. "Shit Rain, hitting on me in front of our girlfriends? Maybe we should put an end to our affair." Storm said teasingly. "Like I give a shit!" Rain laughed back, "and I was referring to that sexy beast on your arm!"

I felt mysel blush slightly, and I looked down in my lap, hoping no one would notice. "Have at it." Storm said, now serious, "I mean, if Julie is cool with it." Julie giggled and granted Rain permission.

Before I knew it, Rain was straddling me, and gently put her hand on the side of my face, tilting my head to look up at her. She leaned in close and whispered, "Relax." I nodded, and she lightly met my lips with hers.

Her hand moved to hold my head in place as our lips danced. I held onto her waist, making sure my hands didn't go too low. After a few more seconds, I heard someone clear their thoat in the way that means, "Attention please."

I pulled away to see Sidra standing there awkwardly. "Sup sis?" I asked, now embarassed. "Um, I was wondering if I could maybe sit with you guys?" Sidra asked shyly. "Of course!" I told her, gently pushing Rain off me.

Rain sat on Julie's lap as I moved closer to Storm so that Sidra could sit next to me. "Sorry I interrupted." she whispered. "It's totally okay." I said comfortingly, holding her hand in mine.

"That was hot, boo." Storm breathed into my ear, then roughly kissed my neck. "I really love chicks." Lucas said, grinning. Sabrina rolled her eyes and asked Sidra what brought her over.

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