Chapter 5 -As Sweet As Candy-

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Eren: Levi Ahhhh! Not like this!!!

~Levi's POV~

I pinned Eren agents the wall. I couldn't take it anymore I loved him I needed him. Eren wined and blushed as I got closer to him he panicked. But as I waited for him to stop struggling, he started to pant and got weaker. . . A part of me liked seeing him like that. This was going to be fun.

Levi: Hey Eren. . .

Eren: What. *Pant Pant*

Levi: I think I love you.

Eren: . . . Le.

Before he could finish I slammed my lips against his soft smooth lips. I could tell this was his first kiss because he really didn't know what I was doing until like 1 minute passed. Then he kissed back I heard his sweet little moans . . . They were cute and sexy.

I licked the bottom of his lips asking for entrance he of course let me and our tongues collided feeling around in his mouth I could tell he had a sweet tooth! His entire mouth tasted like Carmel and lollipops! I giggled a little and pressed against him harder getting a couple more moans out of him. I knew I was going to like this.

After 3 Minutes of passionate making out I stopped and looked at a red panting Eren. I smirked looking at him like that.

Levi: Come on Eren let's go.

Eren: . . . Uhhhh *Blushes*

Levi: Really Eren I can't believe you moaned it wasn't even that good, . . . Tch . . Wait till your back at my place then the real fun begins.

Eren: Ahhhh Ummmm. . . *Nose bleeds and faints*


Levi: Eren? EREN! Ughhh I was kidding!!! Now I have to carry you home! It's like midnight that stupid bastard Erwin might come back!

As I picked up Eren I felt his stomach and it felt very thin so I thought I should cook him something back at my place. As I put the key in the lock and twisted it, something did not feel right. My entire house was freezing even a cold chill rushed by me I walked in and flipped on the lights to see that I must have bumped the thermostat when I left because it was FREEZING IN HEAR!!!! When I walked in even Eren on my shoulder moaned and started to shiver.

I sat Eren on my black leather couch and before I left I saw him shiver and curl up in a little ball, that's freakin adorable! Anyways I ran up stairs into my bedroom and got my huge fuzzy brown blanket from my neatly set up closet. When I was done I shut my double closet doors and ran down stairs to see Eren not cuddling with him self but as if he was cuddling with a ghost. I sighed and took his little ghosts spot and then he started to cuddle with me. I guess it was not that bad! I put the blanket around both of us and cuddled back with Eren.

Levi: I love you Eren. Good Night.

I kissed his now warm face and fell asleep.

Pure love (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now