Chapter 13 -Flowers-

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//Sorry I have not been updating this I feel really bad I'm going to try on the weekends to get at least "Monster in the water" done so I can finish my other stories and this one has not even reached the climax yet. . .//

-Erens POV-

I don't think I can "EVER" get over the fact that I just slept with my rich best friend, dose that sound wired to you? Because that sounds Fucked up to me. . .

I woke up next to levi, realizing again I was "Naked" but I blushed when I found that I had my arms rapped around him. But tomorrow we had school. I guess I could sneak out of bed without Levi noticing, but before I could continue with my plan I heard Levi start sniffling like he was "Sobbing"?

Eren: L-Levi?

I shook him softly, and he shuffled and turned around still sleeping. It hurt me to see he was indeed crying a bit. I shook him again a little more forcefully and he sat right up, like he was in the military and someone run the bell for war!

Levi: WHAT?!

Eren: Y-You were crying, I had to do something.

Levi: Ow. . . I was dreaming about Petra. . . Sorry to worry you Eren.

Eren: No it's fine. . . Why don't we go visit her Levi?

Levi: Most likely my parents are there Eren! Well I guess I don't mind, I can talk about your fine ass the entire time to Petra. . . She won't mind.

I blushed at his comment and we were both now sitting up.

Eren: W-Well you have fine. . . Uh . . . Hmm. . . . Hair?

Levi: Wow Thanks -.- "Shitty Brat Strikes Again"

Eren: HEY!


We had gotten dressed and left checking out of the hotel, the maid who came in earlier apologize again while we left.

Eren: Hey should we go get some flowers like Peonies? Or something? Defiantly not roses though. . . Lilies?. . . Daisies?. . .Tulips?. . .

Levi: Hello? . . . "Earth To Eren!?" EREN!


Levi: Again, did you take your pills?!

Eren: Oops . . .

I saw levi give me a pissed look and pinch the bridges of his nose, I just noticed how cute he looks when he's angry. . .

Levi: Really Eren! For My Sake of not committing suicide while you fantasize about Rainbows x Unicorns please take your pills!

Eren: Ok now I totally ship Rainbows X Unicorns!


Eren: EEK!

I started shuffling threw the bag in a panic searching threw the bag for the pills. Finally finding them I popped two of them in my mouth.

Eren: There Happy now . . .

Levi: Very happy, it's just so contagious you can see it on my face. . .

Eren: You sarcastic "little" fuck.

Levi: Did you just call me Little, I fuckin saved your life!

Eren: Whatever little fun-Sized Package, let's just go get some flowers before the adoption center wants you back.

Levi: I swear you little shit, say that one more time and I will pound you till you can't shit anymore.

Eren:. . . . .

Pure love (Levi x Eren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora