Prologue- Test Day

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     This morning the alarm on my phone woke me up. I groan, realizing that I start my midterms today. Obviously, I hadn't studied at all for any of my classes and panicked. I drove to school early to cram in some last minute studying for Dr. Alphys' English class. I knew that I would fail the English test but as long as I pass the first semester, I don't care. Recently my grades have been slipping and I've been working hard to stop procrastinating, hopefully second semester will be a fresh start.
     I buried my head into my notes while walking to class, going over common literary devices and which is commonly used in memoirs. Suddenly I felt my body stop moving and my head land on one of the pages. I look over and before I could say anything, I felt my shirt pull on my chest and feet lift off the floor.
     "Hey! Watch were you're going!" scolded Susie.
She snarled at me, her teeth sharp like piercing daggers. She was a typical class bully, always threatening to beat everyone else up. In my eyes she was a no good slacker who leeches off of everyone else's contribution. I wanted to yell at her and put her in her place but I couldn't say a word. This was her first time threatening me, so I knew that death was waiting at my door. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for impact, but...
     "This is your first and last warning... you're lucky," she muttered before she walking off in the opposite direction.
     I looked in her direction before I fixed my hair and picked up my notebook and backpack, attempting to focus once again on my notes. I felt my body wobble, fear still lingering in my gut. I couldn't continue thinking about what happened, what matters is I'm alive and have a test to fail.
     I finally make it to class and sit down by Kris. Guess they came in early today. They don't really talk much but they seem to listen and even smile at my jokes. I enjoy making one sided conversations with Kris, they're a good listener. Dr. Alphys attempts to grab everyone's attention.
     "E...everyone! I will be needing you to spread out y...your desks a bit. It's midterms... so this very important," she pleads to anyone willing to listen as the classroom continues to chat.
The door to the classroom slams open, finally grabbing the class' attention. It was Susie, the same person that I've come to dislike and fear.
     "Hey... am I late?" She asked, monotoned.
She asked that every single day. She's always late to class but Dr. Alphys is always too scared to say yes.
     "! You're fine. Take a seat, Susie," Dr. Alphys muttered.
     Susie looked around and walked over towards my desk. I was terrified that I would soon end up like her chalk. Before I could do anything else, Susie i stress sat on Kris' desk. A confusing sight to behold but those two seemed happy to be together, even if the conversation was still one sided. I saw a side of that girl I never thought I'd ever see. She was being as friendly as one would expect from her, even putting and arm on Kris' shoulder while smiling. Kris was lucky to get on her good side.
     "S...Susie...," Dr. Alphys interrupted.
Susie looks over as the teacher. The corners of her smile dropping down.
     "What..?" She replied in a harsh tone.
          "I... I told you to take a seat," Alphys half scolded.
               "I'd love to. But there's only nine desks and ten of us," she shrugs her shoulders sarcastically. Dr. Alphys started counting before she realized.
     "I guess... you're right. There are only nine... would anyone like to grab a desk from the unused classroom?" She asked the class.
I quickly raise my hand. As much as I loved seeing Susie be friendly to someone, I still had that worry about Susie beating me into a pulp in the next few seconds if I didn't stop staring at her. Besides, this gave me more time not to worry about the test as I take my sweet time.
Dr. Alphys sends me down as I make my way down to the unused classroom. I sigh as I know how heavy the desks can be and I walk in. Why didn't I bring another person with me to help? Maybe letting Susie go wouldn't be so bad. Though... would she actually come back?
     The room was pitch black. I tried to turn on the lights but I couldn't find any kind of switch. It was so dark I couldn't even tell where the walls were. I attempt to take out my phone and shine a flashlight but before I could, the door slams shut. I quickly veered my head to turn around and felt the floor began to bend under my feet as it gave way and slipping into the black nothingness of an abyss.

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