1- Foreign World

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     After falling for what felt to be hours, I finally heard a loud thud emanate from my body as I made contact with the ground. Strangely, however, no pain followed. I sat up with thoughts darting throughout my mind. One question continued to become prominent as the seconds of realization rolled by... where the hell am I?
     As I slowly say myself up, I felt my knees buckle against my weight. I grabbed onto my knees and pulled myself back up before grabbing my phone. Luckily, and quite strangely, it was still in tact with out a scratch. Quickly I dialed the emergency number, I didn't know what I would say but I was too scared to think about that.
"H...Hello?!" I shout into the phone but nobody answered, all I could make out was static on the other end. I quickly hang up and decide to get to know my surroundings. After all, there wasn't anything else I could do.
     Only after walking for a couple minutes, I slid down a steep hill and tumbled onto the ground. I groaned as I rubbed my forehead when I heard an odd noise, like a cross between a little boy and Santa Clause. Was it supposed to be a laugh?
     That's when something, I don't know what, came darting my way. It was a luminescent spade, appearing to be some sort of bullet. I whipped my head over my shoulder like a deer in headlights to see it darting my way.
     I scramble to my feet and run from the inherent danger. All I knew was that something was shooting at me, trying to harm me or even kill me.
Blinded by fear, I feel myself slip as I start to tumble down another slope. The source of the ammo following me down the hill, striking me in the shoulder during the process. That same laugh echoed around the cavern.
I finally reach the ground and anticipated impact. I tumbled forward as water splashes all over me. Feeling my body sore and complain I lift my head above the water to listen. I hear feet pattering and echo on the hard ground and tense up.
"Lightener...!" a voice spoke. "Are you hurt?"
A small, cloaked, figure leaned towards me in concern. I could see there was a hand reaching out to help me up. I grab the strange figure's hand hesitantly, accepting the offer and I am hoisted up.
"Lancer!" The figure called. "You shouldn't be doing that! You should try to be more welcoming, remember?"
A loud engine rev could be heard approaching before the screeching of wheels indicated the stopping of the vehicle. I glanced at where the noise came from and after the rubble dispersed, I could see a small boy on what appears to be a bicycle... on fire?!
"Sorry! It's just been so hard leaving the bad guy life behind, it's only been a day after all!" The boy spoke.
This was supposed to be Lancer? The one who was attacking me with painful bullets? Why is his bike on fire? Clearly, I must've hit my head too hard when I fell in the closet.
Maybe I was offered a substance and passed out? No that can't be it, the closet was empty. Besides I'm not the type to do so, am I? Or maybe I had a bad migraine and passed out? I doubt it, I would remember having a migraine before going in. Maybe I'm dead. Is this heaven? No... clearly this isn't heaven, I'm probably in some ghost limbo.
Before I could question my own mortality, I heard a faint "Excuse me," emulate from the cloaked figure. I was spaced out for so long, I didn't think to reply.
"Sorry, I was thinking. Um, weird question but am I dead..?" I chuckle, feeling stupid for asking.
"Dead? Well I sure hope not..." They give an awkward chuckle back as Lancer gives me an odd look while tilting his head.
"Oh!" The cloaked creature jumped in realization "I almost forgot to tell you my name. I'm so sorry," the mysterious figure reveals themselves as their cloth drapes and falls to the ground, leaving someone new to take their place...
"Welcome Lightener, My name is Ralsei and I am the Prince of Darkness,"

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