5- My Darling*

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     Cold. That was the first thing I thought of when I awoke. I am cold.
     My mind, was a flame to dry wood, it burst into flames with questions and thoughts. But no matter what I could think of, it all lead back to one single question.
     "Where am I?"
Despite my plea, my eyelids were too heavy to open. They twitched in an attempt, but remained dormant. More questions flooded my mind.
     My breathing became heavy, tense, and painful. I could feel my diaphragm press against my lungs threatening to crush my organs. My stomach twisting upon itself threatening to spill its contents. My eyes releasing drops of dread from their tear ducts. My heart feeling as though it's arteries have been tied into knots and the world itself had collapsed onto it.
     I am trapped. I wanted to scream for help, but my voice refused. My dry lips stick together and my tongue clicks from the lack of moisture in my mouth. My body still feeling heavy and not listening to a word I say. All I could do was weep and wait.
     I don't know how much time had passed, but I felt my eyes peel open. The sand in my eye itched as they adjusted to the room around me, the gunk staining the bags under my eyes like highlighter markers. My body, while still protesting, attempts to reach to scratch my eye. But nothing happened.
     Something did happen, my arm tried to move. Something held it back. I tried again to reach for my eye only to feel the pressure of something on my arm pull back. I turn my head down to see something around my body. I couldn't tell if it was tape or rope, the room was too dark to see in and the bondage was too tight to tell. That didn't stop me from starting to panic.
     I attempt to pry myself free, my vocal cords feeling dry as I let out a few meek cries for help. I trembled in fear at what the possibilities are. I didn't care how I got here, I wanted to leave. I let out my final screams of desperation and plea of help before I finally drifted off once again, thinking I was dead.
I fell asleep after waiting another undetermined amount of time. My eyes felt puffy from crying and my cheeks burn from the tears. I was woken up not by my body's choice, but when I felt something on my face. A paw.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!" The young prince cried.
I felt his warm embrace envelope my body, all I could do was cry. My mind felt relief to see him here again. Ralsei lifted my chair upright and in one fell swoop, he freed me from what looks to be a wooden chair and grabs my hand slowly.

"I am so sorry... are you okay??" he looks into my eyes with concern. My voice still weak and dry, I try to reply with my horse voice.
"Where am I? How did you find me?" I ask, my voice soft and scratchy.
Ralsei put one paw on my face and the other on my shoulder.
"Oh my... it must've been ages since you've last had water," Ralsei started.
"But I really was just scared to see you run away, I'm so sorry. I should've treated you much better than this."

My heart sank, everything clicked.

"Lancer's army tried to look for us, so I did my best to throw off their tracks with where we are. Now we're safe and you don't have to leave!" Ralsei finished with a smile to his face.
He set his second paw from my shoulder to my face, cupping my cheeks.

"We don't have to worry anymore, dear. You can stay here and live with me! I can bake you lots of yummy cakes and keep you warm and safe!" He giggled.
I wanted to run so bad, but my body froze.

I could just leave now, I can run out the front door and not look back. Why can't I move?
"I even have your own bedroom set up so you can sleep in a nice and comfortable bed! Isn't that lovely?" Ralsei smiled so sweetly it was sickening.

Finally, in that instance, my body had made a move. I ran past Ralsei and found the door from this room and preyed it open. I bolted off through the hallway of his home, and found myself in a kitchen. No windows, no doors. I ran out into a living room like area. No exits. I ran again to another room but fell to the ground as my legs were pulled up into the air.
Ralsei had his scarf wrapped around my ankles and dangled me like a disobedient house cat.
"Goodness! Be careful! You haven't had anything to eat or drink in a while, don't waste your energy on running like that. You'll hurt yourself!" Ralsei spoke in an almost sympathetic tone. As if he was talking down to me.

"Now, let me take you to your room and brew up some tea and cakes for us,"

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