2- Inconsistencies

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    It was still difficult to clearly see what species of monster he was. I could, however, pin point a few key details. The horns protruding from his green, wizard like hat, the dark fur around his head, and his rounded glasses all gave him a soft and innocent look.
I readjust my posture and introduce myself before stating,
"I've never heard of a name like Ralsei before. It's an internet name," I awkwardly chuckled, attempting some form of conversation.
Ralsei only darts his gaze away from me and nods, looking down at his feet.
"Are... you by chance a friend of Kris or Susie? I'm not sure how you'd be able to access our world," Ralsei asks with seriousness and curiosity in his voice.
"I've been friends with Kris for a while now. When I moved here, I sat next to Kris in class and we just hit it off from there,"
"Aww, that's so sweet to hear. I'm glad you found a good friend like Kris..." Ralsei's voice trails off "...I just wish that I could experience that too," Ralsei sighs with sorrow in his voice.
Lancer looks at Ralsei with a concerned look.
"He's just sad that the Lighteners had to leave to seal the Dark Fountain and complete their mission to save our world," Lancer whispers. I feel bad for Ralsei, I knew what it was like to have friends leave even when it was out of their control. I slowly make my way towards Ralsei and pat him on the shoulder, I'm no good with comforting others when they're upset like this.
Ralsei looks at me with a surprised look in his eyes, "Come now, I'll show you around our Kingdom!" Ralsei states, his mood changing almost immediately.
I glance down at Lancer to see if he understood Ralsei's sudden departure, Lancer gave me the look as I gave him. He stares at me with concern in his expression.
"Does Ralsei usually act like this?" I ask.
"No... he's more shy than this." Lancer ponders. "Wow! You must be one lucky clown to get him to talk like that so quickly!" Lancer spoke in excitement.
I've never anyone switching moods or personalities in an instant. This entire world is different, if that's the case maybe us "Lighteners" and these monsters are different too.
Lancer goes off to follow Ralsei, I join in keeping my distance. This world is weird...
"So, Lancer," I start, trying to break the awkward silence.
"Yes?" Lancer replies.
"How did Kris and Susie manage to come back to their own world?"
"If I remember correctly, according to Ralsei they just walked into the dark fountain and they were gone,"
"Gone? Just like that?"
"That's what Ralsei told me, toothpaste boy's smart, you can trust him!"
Toothpaste boy? What kind of insults is this kid coming up with? Are they even insults?
Ralsei speaks up, "This is my castle, what do you think?"
It was beautiful, a dark exterior with hints of neon colouring. The castle was magnificent and huge. This tiny goat creature lives here?
"It's beautiful..." I spoke. Ralsei beams, a small blush forms on his face.
"Would you like to... go inside...?" Ralsei asks.
"Sure thing!" it's even prettier on the inside. It's an old castle with a grand rug in the center. A long winding staircase goes up to the second floor, and a chandelier with neon blue candle lights to top it off.
"Wow Ralsei, who built all of this?" I ask. Maybe his subjects, he is a prince after all.
"I...did," Ralsei mumbles into his scarf.
"You did? That's amazing! But what about your subjects? Did they help any?"
Ralsei sighs, "I am a prince, but I don't have any subjects. It's why I'm called the lonely prince,"
Ralsei looks at you with hope.
"But things have changed, I have more duties as a prince, and I help guide the King!"
"The King? That's a huge responsibility, why do you need to guide the king?" I ask, being a king seems like you'd know enough to run the place. Why would a prince need to help his father?
"Because I'm the king now!" Lancer butts in with joy. This little boy is king!?
"Yes... we locked up his father after over throwing him," Ralsei replies.
Wait a minute, is Ralsei adopted? They don't seem related at all. But then, why wouldn't he refer the old king as our father?
"Wait, then if you're a prince and Lancer's a king... are you part of their royal family?" I question.
"He's a different prince, he's the prince of darkness, I'm the King of Spades!" Lancer replies, butting in again.
"That's... right. I am a different prince," Ralsei adds.
I had many other questions to ask Ralsei, but before I could, Ralsei asks me one.
"Do you plan on staying here?" Ralsei asks, his face lighting up.
Staying here? I can't possibly do that. What about my friends and family? What about school? I can't just abandon my old world.
"Ralsei... I can't stay for long. I have to return home,"
"Oh..." Ralsei looks down at his feet before beaming again.
"That's ok, I understand, you barely understand this world. It was a silly request anyways," Ralsei giggles to himself.
"Ok, let's get you back home," Ralsei smiles
"I'll lead you to the dark fountain,"

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