Chapter 6 : Heist

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Mouri Kogoro loved to sleep. He adored sleep. If he could sleep all day, he would sleep all day.

And so he hated today.

Hated it with every part of his being.

Not only could he not sleep, but.. this.. this thing.. had to happen.

He felt his eye twitch.

So much.. noise..

Ran was currently sat on the couch opposite his desk. She was sad, upset, with her legs bent and her head resting on her knees, her brown hair cascading in waves to cover her face.

She made no sound.

But other people certainly did.

A messy haired Sonoko was perched next to Ran patting her head and whispering things like "He's not worth it!", "You can do better!" and "Shinichi, you asshole!"

All to which Kogoro hoped he wouldn't hear so he wouldn't feel like strangling this Shinichi brat.

Ran would sob, and mutter things like "he was.. here.. in my bathroom! and then I went to get.. and then he was.. he... he-he-went.. gone..again! He left me.. and then an hour later.. Conan-kun's aunt brought him back.." she pointed at another one of Kogoro's miseries: the little brat. Perched on the opposite couch, staring with his four eyes at Ran as though he'd never seen a girl before. Kogoro couldn't tell but it seemed as though he looked depressed, and.. confused.

Confused? Why would he be confused, one may ask.

But the little kid didn't know exactly what to focus on. The crying, weeping, solemn looking Ran on the sofa or the three posh-looking people sat in front of Kogoro Mouri's desk.

Yes, three clients were currently discussing their issues at 2am in the morning -even though they were closed- stating it to be a first-class emergency.

Ran crying. Sonoko placating Ran next to her. Conan opposite of them, looking sad and thoughtful. Three of his clients, a chubby lady, a professional looking business man, and their handsome, extremely arrogant son demanding answers to their problems. And last but not least, the little strawberry blonde girl who had come -strangely enough- after Shinichi's disappearance and Conan's return, and stated she wanted to sleep-over for a few days.

Strange, strange.

It had been four days since said strange incidents had occurred but the little girl was still here. She stayed the first night Conan came back, leaving hurriedly in the morning before any of them had woken up. She would come after school, stay for a bit, and then leave before bed time. She only slept here that first time. But she came over so many times after so that
Kogoro was sure the little girl had a crush on a certain four-eyed brat.

How anyone could even remotely grow a liking to that kid - Kogoro did not know.

A loud sob, and a hiccup brought Kogoro back from his train of thoughts.

"Will you accept our invitation, Kogoro-san?" Yagami-san spoke, the professional looking businessman sat besides his wife and their still-pissed-off-looking-handsome-son. In all honesty, Yagami-san looked pissed off at having to be here, too.

Kogoro looked slightly unnerved, especially with the little strawberry-blonde girl's azure eyes piercing through him from across the room.

No, she wasn't looking at him. She was staring intently at Yagami-san's son. Staring right through him, not tearing her eyes away. Was he that handsome as to attract little 8 year old girls?


The four-eyed brat seemed focused on Yagami-san's son too. Staring like never before.

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