Chapter 17 : Disorder

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Ran and Aoko had walked after Sonoko had fallen, clutching onto each other for dear life.

They were in some sort of garden, now. It may have been beautiful at some point, but now it was creepy. They didn't care that they didn't know each other, or that they looked scarily like each other. They were both just scared and they only had themselves.

They walked through the garden with dead weeds and wilted grass and grotesque slimy creatures sliding over their shoes every once in a while.

They walked and walked and walked.


Literally the second they stepped through the door, a bucket of water fell on their heads and Kazuha screamed.

"Yaghh!" She yelped as her clothes were drenched from head to toe.

"Heiji!" She screamed at him in a fury of anger and frustration, "This is all your fault!"

"Ahou! How is it my fault?! What did I-"

She pointed an accusing finger at Shinichi, "You bought this guy instead of Conan-kun! And he chose to bring some girl as his last choice, and that girl got taken! Don't you see it? Every time you bring this guy, bad things happen! And now I'm soaking wet-"

"How the hell is that my fault-"

"It's not your fault that I'm wet, it's your fault you keep eying my skirt!"

Her skirt that was frilly and white was now completely see-through, and Heiji hadn't really noticed how wet it was before. He'd looked down briefly just to assess the state of their wetness but he didn't really LOOK at her skirt until she'd mentioned.

He looked.

And stared.

And he yelped backwards, "Ahou! As if I'd ever think of you that way!"

Kazuha looked stricken, shocked and hurt all at once, and she asked, her voice barely a whisper, "Why not?"

"Guys," interrupted Shinichi, who had taken of his suit jacket in the middle of their heated discussion to try and dry it. "If I may add something," he continued, ignoring the aggravated stares they gave him, "there's a bomb in this room."



They all looked, stared.

45 minutes, 19 seconds.




"Shit," breathed Heiji.


Ray was lost. And tired. He was lost and so, so tired. He was in some sort of graveyard now, a chilly, cold graveyard with creepy statues every few feet he walked. There were tombstones that had no names.

Him, Kaito and Hakuba had walked until someone - one of those guides - had poked him from behind. He didn't know why he didn't yelp or scream. The guide ushered him backwards and now there he was, in this graveyard. The guide had disappeared into the fog.

And he had ended up in this graveyard, and it made him uncomfortable. A lot of things made him uncomfortable, really. Those girls at school; the ones he met the other day on the street, muttering about him.

A lot of things...

The clothes he found in his closet.

That other cell phone.

The large amounts of cash-

No, no, must not think about it... It could happen anytime. Any minute. Don't think, just walk.

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