6: Adventures in Pidgeonsitting (TAKE TWO)

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"Awww come on." Lance pleaded, looking at me with his strikingly blue eyes. His puppy eyes were good but I knew better this time.

"No Lance," I said with finality. "I refuse to babysit your demons again."

"They won't be bad again, I promise." Lance begged. "I told them that if they did it again they'd get grounded."

"You think that'll stop them?" I laughed. "All the shit I did was prison-worthy. Why should they care about getting grounded?"

"Because," Lance said with a 'duh' tone. "If they're grounded than they're not allowed to go shopping with Allura next week."

"Oh." I said, popping my mouth into a tight circle. They'd been screaming about that for almost two full days. They can't wait to go shopping at a 'real life Earth store'.

"Yep," Lance said with a smirk. "So. Will you do it?"

"Only if Hunk does it too."

"I'm sure he won't mind." Lance said happily. I groaned and silently cursed myself for subjecting myself to this torture...again. Lance bounced away happily and I grumbled and set off to find Hunk and somehow convince him to join this deathmatch with me.

I found him in the kitchen baking.

"Huuuuuuuunk." I groaned, throwing my weight onto his back. He supported me easily.

"What's up Pidge?" he asked.

"I need you to do something for me."


"You don't even know what it is," I said sharply, upset that he said no so quickly. Hunk huffed, a light blush coating his face at my closeness.

"If you want me to get revenge on Lance for the whole halloween prank the answer is no." he said, continuing to mix the batter in the bowl.

"That's... not what I was going to ask you." I said. He raised and eyebrow but didn't comment. "Okay so maybe I did want you to help me out but that wasn't what I was going to ask you."

"Then what were you going to ask me?" he asked softly.

"Lance swindled me into babysitting his brats again." I said. "I need your help."

"What?!" he screeched. "Hell no, Pidge. That was a nightmare! It took forever to get Nessa to stop eating crayons!"

"Oh c'mon," I whined. "It won't be so bad, Lance promised."

"Do you really believe that?"

He took my silence as a yes. He huffed and slowly poured the batter into separate cookie splats and placed them in the oven, turning on a timer and wiping his hands on his apron before turning to face me again.

"Do you really want me to help you?" he asked, his brown eyes staring at mine with a strange sense of seriousness. I gulped lightly under his gaze.

"Yes," I said, trying to fight the flush that was starting to creep up on my face.

Hunk nodded, a familiar smile spreading across his face. "Okay then," he says with a laugh. "I'll help you. But if this goes south, you're not allowed to eat any of my cookies."

"Deal!" I said happily, sneaking a taste of his cookie dough before running out of the room. Hunk yells my name loudly but doesn't dare leave his cookies. Snickering to myself I run off to finish my project.


"Okay papa has to leave now, mi ninitos." Lance whispers again, pressing soft kisses to their foreheads before he and his husbands walk out the door leaving me alone with his kids.

The Flying Paladin (ITS THE SEQUEL)!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant