11: Baby it's cold outside

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I don't know what happened.

It was so fast.

One second everything was fine, Keith and the girls and I had picked out a tree and we were on our way home. The next a loud swerve and I wake up in the hospital. Lance is sitting in the chair next to me, dark bags under his eyes and he's completely asleep.

I start to move, and a pained grunt escapes me. Lance's eyes fly open and he looks down at me, his eyes watering.

"Hey Kitten," I say, my voice hoarse. Lance lets out a sob and hugs me tightly.

"You are in so much trouble!" he cries. "Don't you dare scare me like that again! Kei and I were so scared!"

I chuckled. "Aww, I'm sorry love." I said. "How is everyone? What happened?"

Lance pulled away, a sad expression resting on his face. "You were in an accident. Everyone is okay now..."

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked suspiciously. "What happened to everyone?"

"Well they said you needed surgery on your leg... and Keith was unconscious but he woke up and Christe just had a concussion." I sighed, relief settling in my stomach.

"And Nessa?"

Lance pursed his lips and looked away, alerting me that something happened. "Lance?" I asked slowly, trying hard not to panic. "What happened to Nessa?"

"She... was in a coma."

"She was? Or she is?" I asked, my heart racing.

"She was." Lance said. "She woke up a few hours ago. She's okay. The doctors are looking at her right now. It.. oh God, Kashi, it was so scary!"

I start to rub circles into his back soothingly. "I'm so sorry baby." I whispered. "It's okay now. It's all okay."

Lance nodded against my chest and sat back, wiping his face clear of any tears. He took a deep breath and a dazzling smile rested on his face. "The doctor said you could be released on Friday." he said. "So everyone will be home in time for Christmas!"

I smiled and leaned back against the hospital bed. "A Christmas Miracle, huh?"

Lance nodded, his beautiful blue eyes watering slightly. "We're really lucky, you know?"


"Well, think about it," he continued. "How many times have we been in a life-or-death situation? And of those times, how many times did we escape with just a few injuries?"

I thought about it with a mournful smile. I didn't want all those situations to happen. And I was grateful that we got out of every single one alive, but that doesn't change the fact that someone could've died!

I shivered at the thought of losing Lance or Keith. Or any of my children. That's not something I ever want to happen. I took Lance's hand in mine, lightly brushing over his knuckles. "I love you Lance." I said.

Lance smiled at me warmly, pressing a light kiss to my lips. "I love you too Takashi."


"Welcome home, darlings." Lance said, gesturing to the house that was now clean and decorated for Christmas. I stared in awe at all the lights that were in place.

I had just gotten released from the hospital, and it looked like Lance had decorated the house while I was still admitted. I limped forward to where Lance stood and kissed his cheek. "It's beautiful kitten." I said.

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