7: I'm Falling...

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(yeah we getting Hunk's POV for once)

I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today. I can't believe I almost kissed Pidge yesterday. God, I'm such a pining disaster. I hope she didn't notice all the times I stared at her. I just couldn't help it. Why did she have to be so darn cute?

I groaned again and stared at the mixing bowl, the batter long forgotten as I got more and more lost in thought.

"Hunk!" a hand slapped on my shoulder, making me jump and shake myself free of my thoughts. I turned around and smiled to see Lance leaning against me heavily. "What are you making?"

"Hmm... I don't know," I said, looking back down at the bowl in my hand. Lance gasped in mock surprise.

"The great Chef Hunk doesn't know? Why that's never happened before," he said. "What's going on?"

"Not much," I shrugged, looking away from Lance's blue orbs. I couldn't lie to him, he was just too observant. At least when it came to me. Not when it came to others though, then he was a mess.

"Hunky," Lance said softly. I sighed. "What's going on, buddy?"

"I think... I think I like someone," I said softly. Lance gasped loudly and pulled me away from the kitchen. Darnit, I knew I'd regret telling him this.

"Who? Spill!" Lance said, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Wait, wait," I said, ignoring Lance's disappointed 'aw'. "I don't actually know if I like them. I mean, I think I like them but I'm not positive."

"Okay," Lance said, thinking. As he thought his wings curled and uncurled, the beautiful feathers standing out against the blue painted walls. "Oh! I know! Tell me how you feel around them. I can tell you if that's the same way I feel when I'm with Keith and Shiro!"

"Awww you love them," I cooed. Lance snorted.

"Hunk come on, really? We're married."

"I know but still," I squealed when Lance lightly poked me in my very ticklish side. "Lance no! Stap!"

"Come on Hunk! Tell me! I really wanna know!"

"Okay, okay," I said through giggles. I batted his hands away and hugged my knees close to my chest. "This person... they make me really happy."


"Shut up! I haven't even started yet!" I said, fighting a blush. Lance just giggled and made a motion with his hands for me to continue. I sighed and looked out the window, watching a bird hop from tree to tree as I spoke. "They smile and it just... I feel so warm and happy inside that I just have to smile too, you know? And when they laugh my world kind of stops for a minute and all I can think about... is how beautiful they are."

"Oh Hunk..." Lance sighed softly. "You are totally in love."

"Really?" I asked. Lance nodded.

"That's kind of how I felt around Shiro and Keith," Lance said. Lance then looked at me. "Hunk, what's wrong? Why do you look like you're going to hurl? Oh God, please don't throw up... if you throw up I'll throw up! You know it's true... remember what happened last time?"

I laughed. "Of course I do, how could I forget?" I said. "Team Voltron; Legendary Projectile Vomiters!"

Lance guffawed and clutched his stomach as he laughed, tears sliding down my face as I burst out laughing. After a minute or so the laughing faded away. Lance took a deep breath and wiped a tear away before sobering.

"But really bud," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder lightly. "You look scared. What going on?"

"I guess I kind of am," I shrugged.

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Of love?"

I nodded.

"Or being in love?" Lance asked.

"Both, I think," I said. "I just... Lance I've never felt this way before. I don't want to get hurt..."

"Oh Hunk," Lance cooed. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace and I returned it with equal verve. "Love is scary, trust me I know. Don't you remember how Shiro, Keith and I got together? That shit was a disaster."

I laughed. "You were such a mess."

"I really was," Lance smiled. "But that's okay because love makes you a mess."

"You sound cheesy," I accused, poking him lightly with my finger. Lance laughed.

"I probably do, but hey! Love makes you do crazy things." Lance said. I smiled.

"Even being unbearably cheesy with your best friend?" I asked. Lance giggled and flicked my ear.

"Don't you mean unbearably?" Lance asked. I winced at the terrible joke and lightly shoved Lance away from me.

"That was horrible!" I cried, covering my ears with my hands. "It hurts!"

"Sorry buddy, I didn't have a choice. You walked right into that one." Lance said, getting up off the floor and sitting back down on the chair. "But really buddy, I know it's scary, but I promise you in the end everything will be fine."

I took a deep breath. "It is scary. It's scary how everytime I see them I just want to hug them and give them kisses. Or how whenever they're frustrated, I get mixed feelings because I want them to be happy and relaxed, but then at the same time their nose scrunches up in the cutest way and I love looking at it.

"Or how, when they're angry they furrow their brows and their face gets red and they stomp up and down, doing anything to make you see how angry they are, only for them to look like a kitten!

"But I really love it when they come up to me, jumping with joy, when they figured out a new code, or they figured out how make another robot. Or when they found a funny video online that only we can watch together because only we would understand it.

"Or when they're sad, all I want to do is cuddle them and bake them cookies until they're happy. And how they have the most adorable freckles and their sneezes are so cute. Or how when they're sleepy, their glasses will slowly fall down their face and their eyes do that cute slow-blink-thing and all I want to do is put them on the couch and sleep next to them.

"But the happiest and best thing about them is, how utterly independent they are. They're so smart, Lance, just so smart. Sometimes I have to stop myself in awe of just how brilliant and capable they are. I'm so proud to just be friends with them and then they go and do something like hold my hand and giggle and I just... I just... "

I let out a frustrated huff at my inability to properly express just how in love I am with Pidge.

Lance let out a chuckle. "Dude," he says slowly, his blue eyes wide with surprise. "You are so whipped."

"I know!"

"No like, you are totally, one hundred percent in love with Pidge."

"I know I am!" I yelled. I then paused and looked at Lance in shock. "Wait, how did you know it was Pidge?"

"Dude, you talked about how they look when they learn coding." Lance huffed. "No one else in this group, well except you, like coding. No one but Pidge. Also, no one else wears glasses."

"Oh, right," I said, looking down and fumbling with my hands. "And you don't care do you? That I like Pidge?"

"What? Hunk that's ridiculous! Why would I care if you like Pidge?" Lance asked. He took my hands in his and offered me a smile. I returned it, though rather shyly. "Hunk you are my best friend. And if Pidge makes you happy? Then go get 'em tiger."

I smiled, my heart nearly bursting. "I love you Lance!" I said happily. Lance chuckled and hugged me.

"I love you too bud," he said. "Now, go get 'em tiger!"

I stood up.

"Will do!"

Ahh, some good 'ol bromance. We needed this.  

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