8: Catch me

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I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. I heard scuffling as Pidge tried to clean up her room. A loud bang was heard and a muffled curse. Finally I heard her step at the door and open it. Her hair was slightly frazzled and she looked at me with a tired expression, her glasses sliding down her nose.

It took all my self-control to not push them back up onto her face.

"Hunk?" she asked, her voice scratchy.

"Hey Pidgey," I smiled. She laughed and opened her door further, allowing me inside. I stepped inside her room and fought a chuckle. She's still messy.

Her room was a literal disaster.

Her blankets were piled on the floor in a giant lump, random scraps of mental scattered all around it. The bed was covered in a tiny layer of dust from disuse and random pieces of food laid on the floor in untouched heaps.

"Uh... " I said, staring at the mess.

Pidge scratched the back of her neck sheepishly as a lovely blush coated her face. "Yeah, sorry about the mess." she said awkwardly. "I haven't really had anyone in here since we were babysitting."

"Pidge that was yesterday!" I said, staring at her with shock. She shrugged.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked. I stiffened and took a deep breath.

Come on Hunk, you've faced death in the face hundreds of times. Just tell her how you feel!

"Pidge I--"

"HUNKY!!!!" a loud screech sounded making me jump in surprise. Christie raced into Pidge's room, ignoring Pidge's indignant squeak and jumped up onto me. I stepped back a few steps at the force before I hugged her to me.

"Hey Christie, whatcha doing?" I asked, ignoring the disappointment in the pit of my stomach. She showed up at the worst time.

"Papa told me to leave you alone, but he took away my icy-pop so I ignored him." she said simply. I sighed. I forgot just how petty my goddaughter could be.

"Well I think you should listen to your papa," I said. "Even if he steals your icy-pop."

"But Hunky!" Christie whined. "It was blueberry! That's my favorite flavor!"

"Well if you go play with Nessa and Jack then maybe I'll get you another blueberry icy-pop." I said, hoping and praying to anything I could think of that would get this adorable child out of here so I could properly confess.

"Really?" she said, her eyes widening in excitement. She wriggled out of my grasp and fell to the floor. "Okay." and then she raced out of the room.

Pidge laughed at my expression and sat down on the bed, coughing when stray dust motes flew into the air. "So what's on your mind?"

"I was just thinking you know?" I said slowly. "And I was talking to Lance and he helped me out a bit."

"Lance?" she said with a disbelieving laugh. "How did he help you?"

"Well he's in love right now so I figured he'd be able to help the most," I said. Pidge instantly stopped talking and looked at me in shock.

"In love?" she asked after a few seconds of silence.

I shuffled my feet awkwardly. "Er... yeah." I said.

Pidge had a strange look on her face that I couldn't figure out. But then, as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. She replaced it with a cool smirk. She leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms, looking at me expectantly. "So," she said. "Who's the lucky person?"

"Um..." I looked away from her knowing face and blushed. "You?"

Dead silence.

I toed the floor as I waited, my hands awkwardly strung behind my back. My nerves skyrocketed and I felt my anxiety wave over me.

"Me?" Pidge finally said.


"Why is everything you say sound like a question?"

"I'm nervous?"

"About what I'll say?"

"... Yes?"

Pidge snorted and launched herself forward, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. I hugged back after a short second of hesitation. She laughed. "You goof." she said. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't really know that I liked you," I said. "Not until Lance actually."

"I still find that hard to believe. You know, cause Lance is a complete disaster when it comes to relationships." Pidge laughed.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "So... just to clarify. Are you my girlfriend now?"

"Duh," Pidge snorted. "I've been in love with you for like, years."

It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. She leaned in closer... closer...

"HUNK YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!!!!!" a loud voice screamed. Lance literally kicked the door down, his eyes wide with excitement. He blinked when he saw the position Pidge and I were in and he smirked. "oOoOOooooh," he said. "Am I interrupting?"

"Yes." Pidge hissed.

"Well that's too bad," Lance laughed. "Guess I'll just leave and you'll never find out what Shiro just did..."

"Guess not," I shrugged. I made a shooing motion with my hand. "Now, if you'll excuse us..."

Lance raised his hands and backed out of the room. "Oh, yeah. Sure." he then left.

I smiled and turned back to face Pidge. "Now, where were we?"

Pidge smiled, a cute blush decorating her beautiful face. "I think I was about to kiss you..."

"Then kiss me."

She leaned in and our lips locked.

It was magical.




"Why is there a video of Shiro falling down the stairs wearing a towel and a collar and landing in our neighbors pool and then awkwardly explaining that we have a dog?"

"Guess you'll never know..."

"Lance... tell me."

"Well you see--"





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