Not all of them

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Not all books have a "happy ending", they can end in a twist
Not all songs are a love song, it can be a heartbroken story
Not all dances are just moves, they can have a story behind it
When you find the right one it's like-
You can see the music
Hear the dance
Feel the story
It makes you feel like not everything is gonna let you down. Not everything is a lie. When I find the right ones I go in a new world where at the end the trail gives me a reason. I am happy. It's okay not to be okay. I live up to what I want. I try my hardest to make it happen. Maybe it won't happen but I know one day if I try something will come out of it. And whatever it gives me is what I'll hold on to. I'll find some way to make the best of it.
I just gotta give it up. I don't wanna give up. I'm trying so I don't let me or anyone else down. There's one person I only trust with the words "I love you" and "I care" or "I'm here for you"
Love is a big word used out of context a lot. I don't use it much anymore. As Billie would say "if I love you was a promise would you break it if you're honest"
Those words are true love is fake most times. But you know when it's really. Where you really love someone.
But I love him.

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