Maybe just maybe

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Maybe one day it'll be all over
Maybe one day I'll see a true smile
Maybe one day I won't have to worry
Maybe one day the light with defeat the dark
Maybe one day just maybe
I hope to still have him
I hope to make him happy
I hope just hope
My life has been tragic and it's gonna keep going till run out of reasons not to be here
There is a huge list of reasons to leave
But I have one good one to stay
And with that. I'm holding on as long as I can
I know one day I'll defeat this and be happy
Maybe tomorrow maybe next week maybe next month maybe next year maybe a few years
But it may take time
As long as I just hold on and keep tying I know it's gonna be worth it
At the end of every path there is something waiting
Whether it's big or small it's there
And if you're givin that there's a reason to it
You need to make the most of it cause whatever it is there is a big good thing within it and it may take time to find it but it's there and it's givin to you for a reason
Just life lesson
try, try, it's there, you bring your fears to your accomplishments, you don't let anything control you, you listen to what the ones that care are telling you, big change is they are just trying to help and that they are right
Thank you:) have a good life, if you ever need anyone to talk to im here I'm trustworthy
My skype is: let's go "miles"
Maybe I'll update this story:) idk but it's my life. Enjoy

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