What i do have

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I've went through a lot of hard times in the past 3 years and let's just say I've learned a few things. My life is full of ups and downs and I've learned to live with it all. I've learned to get over the downs for the most part but sometimes it may get to me. Memories may flash in my head and bring back a lot of things. But during those years I never did it alone. The first year or two I had my best friend Caitlyn to help me. She and I would always stick by each other and help each other. It was the end of 7th grade in May she kinda disappeared. She stopped coming to school. She stopped texting me. She told me that she had family issues and everything that has been going on. I tried helping her but nothing seemed to work. Now I haven't talked or seen her in 5+ months. I miss her a lot. I wish I can have just five minutes with her. I really need to talk to her:/ but I was put in this gc full of people. At the time none of us knew each other so I thought maybe I could take a chance and find some more people to talk to. We were all friends for a while. Till we started dating and stuff. It got all crazy but in the mean time of this we all saw who we all really were. I lost one by one. I think it was best to lose them tho. There is only two people who are still friends out of the whole group. That's me and someone else. Everyone else drifted away. I am very grateful for him tho:) he has helped so much and stuck with me for so long. I am not planning on leaving anytime soon. He's probably reading this tho😂👋 hi
Anyways.. I am better without them and grateful for the ones I have to this day
Moral of this chapter is... hold on to the ones who held on to you. It'll be worth it too.

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