14 Day One...

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Skylar's POV_

Lets just say walking into my first period class completely late with Ace walking behind me, wasn't the best first impression. Especially since Ace is my first teacher of the day...

After we awkwardly walked into the classroom, I quickly took a seat in the front since there was no other seat open. I could feel my heart beat wildly in my chest. As Ace talks about the history of France, I feel everyone's eyes on me. I know for a fact that the werewolves in this class don't care since they already know I'm Ace's mate but the humans are the ones with the staring problems. Sure, he's only a few years older, but regardless.

"Okay. So now we will be starting a group assignment. This assignment will be counting for twenty percent of your grade and will be due at the end of Quarter two." I hear multiple grunts sound throughout the room but Ace seems to be immune to everyone. I guess that would happen since he, himself, graduated from high school only a few years ago. Ace goes to the computer and hooks it up so what's on his screen is projected onto the wall right next to him.

It was a document that had said all the requirements for this project.

"Each group will grab one paper from a hat. The numbers tell you your order for choosing a country. Mind you each group will have three people in it. You guys will go over topics in the country such as current events, their traditions, special holidays, and much more. You must have six to ten topics chosen. If some topics on the board is uninteresting to you, just come to me and ask if you can research a certain topic you are interested in. I will be expecting a fifteen paged essay and a slideshow with thirty slides -each person in the group giving ten- by the end of the second Quarter. And containing pictures. Lastly, every group will prepare a popular cuisine made in that country." By then he was on the student's hate list. 

"That's bullcrap! We have other teachers too! You can't just do this!" A human student rises in her seat. Ace is quick to respond, a death glare settled on his face.

"Actually, I can. And your teachers are aware. Second, since when did you think Senior year of high school was easy? The school isn't going to give you your cap and gown so easily. You have to earn it, just like everything else in this world." Ace does a little 'Ahem' thing before continuing. "Depending on how well everyone does on this, the entire Senior class will take a trip to an indoor and outdoor waterpark for an entire week -in the hotel. A school week. No class, just everyone doing whatever the hell they want to. In a whole other state."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Another person rises. "So the school can pay for this shit but not spend money on oh, I don't know, their sports!"

"It's not the school's money. It's mine." That single sentence from Ace had left everyone in a dead silence.

Ace's POV_

Hell yeah, the trip is expensive. But sometimes a kid needs motivation. I'm not oblivious to the fact that a lot of teenagers are suicidal. Of all the stress that pressures the kids. A lot of teachers say "oh I get it" but they don't. Times in school are getting darker than it was before. These teachers are as old as dirt and they compare their experiences of school with their students. A lot can happen within fifty years. And it's not like I'm ignoring these kid's times. I'm aware that they have sports events and practices or instrumental crap that's going on. I'm giving them a whole ton of time in class to finish it. I'm planning for a whole week they can work only on that. Gum, snacks, music, and all.

Why the hell am I so giving today...

My eyes skimmed over the students and a slight grin hung on my face. They were all gobsmacked.

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