Chapter 1

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It was raining as I quietly listen to music. My gaze never leaving the window in my father's office. I watched as people ran while they looked for shelter from the droplets falling from the sky. It seemed the weather knew exactly what I was feeling. That today was no ordinary day. I moved trying to find a comfortable position in the office chair opposite from my fathers desk. Wondering and waiting for him to walk through that door at any moment. It was my 18th birthday. The day I've been dreading since I was 14. 18 was the cursed number my father couldn't wait for and what I wish would never happen. I knew as soon as my eyes opened today I was going to be stuck in this towering building I hate with all my being. I knew today was the day my father planned to make me work for him. I hated this business and don't get the wrong idea the media and town think my father owns a line of hospitals. Well in fact he does, but it's all a cover up for being the leader of the second biggest gang in Korea.

The door suddenly bursts open. " good morning y/n, I'm sure you know what this meeting is about" he says casually as he walks to his desk.
"Yea yea I know what this is about" I say as I roll my eyes.
My father clicks his tongue "always with the sass" he sighs "you know you were going to be apart of the gang and I gave you till you were 18 to get used to the idea, but it's clear you still despise it."
"Pops I'm not cut out for this type of work" I say defeated.
"Ha! Not cut out! Boy your statistics are the best compared to all my men!" He yelled amused.
I was getting annoyed " ugh dad you know what i mean. I act cold but you and me both know I wouldn't be able to hurt someone."
"Son, but your so strong and intelligent. Any gang would love to get there hands on you.... you have such potential , why waste such talent ?" My father spoke saddened.
" just because I can fight and I'm stronger than your men put together doesn't mean I want to be in this kinda business!" I yelled done with this conversation. As I was about to walk out the door I felt a firm hand around my wrist.
"Your going to be a member of this gang like it or not now go get your things your moving into the base!" My father spat with venom. I rip my arm away and slam his office door shut. One thing I hated was being bossed around. Especially when it was my life and apparently not my decision. I walked out of the building and into the rain. I suddenly felt water fall on my face. I looked up and let the rain fall against my skin. Rain always relaxed me and made me feel better. As I was looking up I caught my father's stern glare from his window. We watched each other for a bit before I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I sigh and continue on my way to my house to pack.

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