Chapter 4

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- Y/N's POV -

I wake up with a headache and my hands tied to a chair. I try to adjust my eyes but the room is fairly dark with just a few beams of light coming from a boarded up window. As I look around I notice a red blinking light.... It was a camera.... their watching me...

- Jungkook POV -

"hyung I'm board" I lean back into my chair trying to find some source of entertainment.

"Kookie stop complaining I don't like being on watch either, but its our job to make sure this boy don't get loose." Suga said with a tone of distaste.

"Whats the bosses obsession with this kid anyway" I asked. I mean he's cute, adorable, and small but there's got to be more to this kid then just that.

"Well, apparently he's a gang lords son" He leans back in his chair.

"What!, there is no way hes so shrimpy" My eyes widen in shock.

" Joon says he's a lot stronger then we think and that's how he gets people..... they underestimate him " His eyes glances sideways at the the monitor of the boy. " Well looks like Prince Charmings awake I'll go call the others" he gets up and walks out of the room.

"Finally..." I get up and stretch. " It's about time we had some fun" I walk out the door to join the others.

- Y/N's POV -

I sat there pondering when someone would come in, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of people walking up to the room he was in. Its about god damn time..... The door opened and someone hit the switch causing me to close my eyes in pain from the sudden light. When I opened I finally came face to face with all my captures. and damn.... their hot!? I blink a couple times just to make sure i was seeing correctly and started studying their faces. I didn't realize it but I was biting my lip. " Looks like someone likes what he see" A man that was shorter than the others but still taller than you said...... WHY IS EVERYONE TALLER THAN ME!!!

"Jimin shut up were here to ask him questions not flirt" said the man I recognized as Tae ... No one can mistake that deep sexy voice..... Y/N snap out of it!....... The man called Jimin raised his hand as if he was surrendering with a big smile on his face.

"Okay lets get down to business" a man with dimples replied. " Now were going to ask you questions and your gonna answer unless you wanna be hurt by our Kookie over there" he said as he smiled... damn those dimples.... god what have I gotten myself into. I look at the one referred to as Kookie and he's cracking his knuckles. Ha! go ahead and try and hurt me... I have a high pain tolerance.

"So, its in your best interest if you listen and answer Namjoon or your in for a long long night" Kookie stated with a smirk on his face. Namjoon's the boss mans name.... noted....

"Can I ask him a question first" Jimin shouted raising his hand. Namjoon's eyebrows raised as if he was curious. He looked at a man next to him for advice.

"Just let him we all know its nothing serious" the man next to Namjoon said.

"Hey! You don't know that!" Jimin pouted.

"Then ask it" Namjoon eyebrows creased.

"Are you gay" Jimin said with bright eyes.

Then a remarkable thing happened... All six men face palmed at the exact same time.

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