Finally Together

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Your eyes blinked a bit as you woke up, you couldn't tell where you were, you were laying on something, you were really comfortable, you lift your head and turn around to see Zelda, you were laying on her stomach

You: Zelda?

She gently pushes your head back onto her belly

Zelda: Lay back down, you need rest

You: What happened?

Zelda: You beat Ganon and saved Hyrule, but you almost died

You: So that wasn't a dream?

Zelda: No, it was all real

You: Even that last part you said?

Zelda smiles and blushes a little

Zelda: Yes, you passed out shortly after I told you

You: O-Oh, sorry

Zelda: It's fine

You: We are talking about the same thing.. right?

Zelda: I'm sure we are

You: That you love me?

Zelda: Yes, we definitely are

You blush and a smile creeps onto your face

You: You know.. I've always loved you too

Zelda: I know, you were really bad at hiding it

You blush even more

Zelda: It was really cute, I also heard what you said before striking that final blow on Ganon, you finally got over your shyness for me

Ganon asked you why you weren't giving up, you only replied with "Because I love her! I won't give up until she's safe! And if that means sacrificing myself for her, then that's what I will do!"

Zelda: It was really sweet and romantic

You: So.. if we love each other, I don't suppose if you'd like to be.. you know, my girlfriend?

Zelda giggles a little with a big smile on her face

Zelda: Of course I would, I've been waiting for you to say that

You: Awesome! Do you uh.. wanna kiss?

Zelda giggles even more

Zelda: You're not used to relationships are you?

You: No

Zelda: Don't worry, I'll get you used to it

She bends down and gives you a passionate kiss on your lips

Zelda: Now get some rest, we'll continue this later

You: Aww, but I love you

Zelda: I love you too, but you need to rest

You: I feel fine though, I want another kiss

Zelda: Rest first, kisses later

You: Fine

Zelda: Get comfortable, I'll be right here

You: So.. what now?

Zelda: We continue our everyday duties, only now you've been made my personal bodyguard

You: Wait really?

Zelda: Yeah, my father is so grateful for you saving me, and I am forever grateful, I can't thank you enough for saving me

You: I was only doing my duty, I wasn't gonna let Hyrule be destroyed by Ganon, and I wasn't gonna let him take you away either

Zelda smiles and pets your head, running her fingers through your (H/C) hair

Zelda: Even though you're my boyfriend and my personal body guard, I'm still the princess, so I order you to stay here and cuddle with me while you recover from your injuries

You sigh and get comfortable on top of Zelda's belly, she messes your hair up a little, she caresses your cheek

Zelda: See? Cuddles fix everything

You closes your eyes and eventually fall asleep on top of Zelda, she smiles and comforts you as you rest, she kisses the top of your head and falls asleep as well

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