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Servants of Ganon interrupted a speech that Zelda was giving, you took them all out, you saw one of them aiming their bow straight for Zelda

You: Zelda!

You jumped in front of her just in time, you took the arrow to the chest, you wheeze as blood spills everywhere, another arrow hits you in the stomach then another one in your shoulder

Zelda: (Y/N)!

You: Get the princess to safety!

Two guards nod and escort her away, another arrow hits you, this time in your leg

Zelda: No!

You kill your attacker and the others run off, you feel tired, blood dripping out of everywhere, you feel dizzy, you fall to the ground with a clash

Zelda: (Y/N)!

Guard: Princess no!

Zelda runs to your collapsed body, she feels your pulse, you were barely breathing, her hand and dress became drenched in your blood as she holds you close to her

Zelda: Get him help quick!

A guard runs off as quickly as he could, Zelda stays with you, she couldn't him back her tears

Zelda: Stay with me!

You were bleeding out very quickly

Zelda: Please! I need you!

You look up to see Zelda's worried and teary face, you smile and put a hand to her cheek caressing it

Zelda: You're gonna be okay you hear me? You are going to be okay!

You: Y-You.. you look so pretty.. i-in the sunlight

Zelda: Don't speak! Save your energy!

A tear hits your forehead

You: Z-Zelda.. please don't cry, you're too pretty to cry

Zelda: Shh! Y-You're gonna be okay!

A medic rushes over to your position

Zelda: Help has arrived, you're going to be okay!

You move a strain of her long brown hair behind her ear

You: Your hair is so pretty

Zelda: Just focus on me, you'll be okay I promise! Stay with me! Please!

You begin to black out, all you hear is Zelda yelling "(Y/N)!" As her sweet, beautiful voice become distant and quieter, then suddenly you wake up in a hospital bed, Zelda was sitting right beside you, she smiles when she sees your open eyes, her eyes looked all dried up and puffy, like she was crying

Zelda: Oh thank Hylia! You're awake!

She hugs you

Zelda: I thought I lost you!

You: I'll be fine, don't worry

Zelda: Why? Why did you do that?

You: Because it's my job to protect you, even if that means sacrificing myself, you know I would die for my lovely princess

You caress her cheek, Zelda blushes

Zelda: Don't scare me like that ever again!

Zelda hugs you

Zelda: You're going to stay out of combat for a bit

You: I can't, I have to protect you

Zelda: That's why I'm staying with you

You hate sitting around and doing nothing

Zelda: I know you hate sitting around but look on the bright side, you'll have me to keep you company

You: Well if you're going to be with me, then I will gladly stay in bed all day

Zelda: I need to make sure that you stay in bed, cause I know you will only stay for me

You: You know me too well

You both share a quick kiss before Zelda has you escorted to her room to where she orders you to cuddle with her all throughout the week

Zelda x Male Reader Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now