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The royal ball is held once a year, everyone in Hyrule kingdom is invited, you were dressed in your most fanciest suit, you're never fancy, when the ball goes on, Zelda appears in the most beautiful pink dress, you were stunned by her beauty, she sees you and smiles as she walks towards you, everyone was looking at her

Zelda: You look so handsome

You: And you look so beautiful

Zelda blushes

You hold out your hand

You: Shall we?

Zelda smile and takes your hand, you both start to slow dance, you sway around and give her a twirl

Zelda: I never knew you were a dancer

You: I'm full of surprises

Zelda smiles

You: You always look so beautiful

Zelda: (Y/N), you're making me blush

You: I love your blushes, it makes you look cute

Zelda: You always think I look good

You: Because you do look good

Zelda: I love you

You: I love you too

You both lean and close your eyes, your lips almost touch but the music stops, you all look around and see that the dance was over, everyone was looking at you

You: We're being stared at

Zelda: Well love is an amazing thing, it's quite the scene

You: Do you think it's because of the fact that a human was dancing with you

Zelda: Maybe, because humans are so attractive it's impossible to keep your eyes off them

Zelda caresses your cheek while giving you a loving smile

You: We didn't get to kiss

Zelda: Come on, we're continuing this in my room

She grabs your hand and takes you to her room

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