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You were called to the royal bathing chambers, a guard was guarding the entrance

Guard: Sir (Y/N), Princess Zelda awaits

Zelda: Oh, he's here?

Guard: Yes princess

Zelda: Great! He can come in

You enter the room and see Zelda completely naked with guards all around her facing the opposite direction, you blush madly and look away

You: Oh, I'm so sorry!

Zelda: Oh (Y/N), you're still the innocent boy I've always known, you're allowed to look

You: Wait? Really?

Zelda: Of course, you are my boyfriend after all

Your face turns bright red as you look at Zelda's naked body

Zelda: Guards, could (Y/N) and I have some privacy?

The guards around her all leave the room

You: You called?

Zelda: I got lonely, I wanted some company and with someone I can really trust

You: Oh

Zelda: Come join me

You: Uh.. o-okay

Zelda giggles at your nervousness, you disrobe and enter the giant bath

Zelda: Do you like what you see?

She gives her breasts a squeeze making your already red face even more red

You: Y-Yeah

Zelda: Why don't you tell me how they feel?

She sticks her breasts in your face

You: You sure?

Zelda: Yes, you can touch me wherever you want

You grab one of her breasts and give it a squeeze, it was so soft, Zelda blushes with a seductive smile on her face

Zelda: There's no need to be nervous around me, I'll always be happy with whatever you do

You: Well.. if you say so

You kiss Zelda on the lips passionately, she was caught off guard for a second before melting into the kiss and returning more, you both have a passionate make out session in the bath

Zelda x Male Reader Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now