Chapter 14

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She opened her eyes only to find herself in a room. She blinked several times, trying to adjust her eyes with the limited light. The room was dark but after a while, she found out it was her own bedroom. Slowly, she got up from her bed, trying to process what was happening. The air was colder, but it was not a normal kind of cold, it was numbing and sharp. She unconsciously brought her arms to hug her body.

When her vision was a little bit clearer, she finally realized that the 'world' was tinted violet, it was..

No, no. What is this?

She walked around her room out of curiosity and the floor was freezing cold. Everything in the room was exactly like her real room, but her vision was tinted like the room was lit with ultraviolet light.

Just when she was looking around, she saw a shadow watching her. She didn't flinch, trying to be brave.

Don't be scared, you often see things like this, she told herself.

But the shadow moved closer and closer, and she stepped back every time the shadow moved a step closer. It came faster and faster, causing her to turn around and run. That was when she realized she was no longer in her room. She was inside a room, a dark, empty roomshe couldn't see a thing. There wasn't a single sound inside it, as if she was trapped in a solid box. Complete silence, the only thing she could hear was her loud heartbeat.

It was frightening. She was all alone in a strange and scary place with no one to ask for help.

And the shadow, she was looking for that shadow. Where is it? Is it gone? It's gone, right? It was no longer chasing after her..wasn't it?

Then somebody tapped her shoulder. When she turned around..


Jisoo jolted awake.

Still facing the ceiling, she blinked several times, making sure that she was fully awake and woke up in the real world. Her body was tense all over, and she was gasping for air. Suddenly, her room felt so hot and stuffy, and her clothes drenched in sweat.

That came again.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes, trying to calm down. The hypnic jerk she just experienced hurt her neck and shoulder muscle, and now she felt limp on her upper body.

Jisoo sighed. At times like this, reality hits you hard. How she wished she was still living with her parents, and sister, and her brother. Whenever she had nightmares, she'd have run straight to her unnie's room and slept beside her. It happened so often that Jiyoon-unnie wouldn't even be surprised to find Jisoo sleeping in her bed the next morning. But in her current reality, she couldn't do anything but to cope with it alone.

Sometimes Lisa would knock on her door because she was scared of the supposed ghost that she claimed to see, while Jennie would just suddenly came without permission and slept on her bed right away. Jisoo knew that the other girls wouldn't mind if she suddenly moved to their beds, but she's the oldest in Blackpink, she should be more reliable. Besides, the girls were tired. They were all tired—practices were getting more intense these days. She'd in no way disturb their only time to sleep.

She was used to it, anyway—coping with everything alone. But sometimes—

Just sometimes, she stressed it again.

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