Chapter 17

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Today there won't be JinJiDo ☹, she wrote on CH+ this morning. At first, she wrote it for fun-the 'Jin' in JinJiDo would be absent on today's episode and she would be lying if it didn't make her sad. However, nothing else, let alone something bad, came across her mind because just a few days ago, he assured her that he'd come back once he finished his business.

And so, she wasn't worried, she wasn't that sad.

Until Doyoung spoiled the news.

She realized that Jinyoung wasn't being completely honest. Yes, he'd be away for three months but he didn't mention anything about contract termination. By the time she met Doyoung at the MC waiting room, they spared no time for a friendly greeting and discussed the matter right away, with Doyoung finally expressing his disappointment for knowing nothing at all. Not even about his hyung's three months absence.

Both Jisoo and Doyoung then gathered the courage to ask the PD about this, only to receive vague answers. Apparently, the problem was more serious than they thought, the PD's face turned sour the moment they brought up the topic and the atmosphere of the filming became a bit tense-even though the guest MC, WINNER's Mino, performed well and improvised a lot. Neither Jisoo nor Doyoung could hide the disappointment in their faces.

Today there won't be JinJiDo, but what if there won't ever be JinJiDo?

Also, the broadcast ended earlier than usual, it ended without the usual playful and friendly banter between the MC and the staffs. Doyoung left right away for another schedule, whilst Jisoo stayed for a while to talk with Ji Eun-unnie. From her, she knew the reason why the PDs were considering to replace Jinyoung.

"You should know that this isn't a light matter. MC is not a job that anyone can take. It is hard to find a person with a proper attitude and skill of an MC. With Jinyoung's absence for three months, it means we, the staffs, have to find someone to replace Jinyoung every week and that won't be easy. Every week, we need to prepare this guest MC, an extra task that should not exist, to begin with, if only Jinyoung comes and does his job. And we can't just choose a random idol or celebrity to do this," Ji Eun-unnie explained.

"On top of that, before the contract was signed, the representative of JYPE didn't tell us about this. If we knew beforehand, we wouldn't have approved Jinyoung," she continued. The entire time Jisoo could only nod.

Though her heart broke.

It made her think. If she and Jinyoung are really together, won't the togetherness ends after he's kicked out, or at least-she hoped-after their contracts expire? After Inkigayo ended, it'd be difficult for them to meet each other. Both of them would be busy with their respective schedules, they wouldn't have time to even make a phone call.

If that's the case, why do they even try, then?

First is GAON, now it's this. What's next?

"Judging from your extreme bad mood, you'd found out about it," Lee Sang-won spoke up.

Jisoo didn't move a muscle. She was too upset to reply.

"Everything's uncertain, alright? Be a little bit optimistic, you three are the perfect JinJiDo that the viewers love. The staff confirmed Jinyoung would also be there at Wednesday's meeting. The meeting might be to discuss it."

"I don't know anymore." Jisoo shrugged, turning to her manager as she spoke. "Everything that is as if the universe's trying to tell me that it's not going to work out."

When Lee Sang-won didn't respond, Jisoo turned back to her right, staring out the window.

"It's as if the universe doesn't want to see me happy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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