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3 months later
January 29th 2021

Camila was dressed in a pantsuit and blazer, her bulky jacket covering it as the snow started to fall on the cold winter day. This time having to wear her gloves as her fingers were constantly numb.

She hated the cold but she complained enough about that.

Her nose was red and her eyes were watering and she was cold but otherwise she felt lighter as she walked into court to finalize everything that needed to be.

During those three months she learned to smile more and love without having to love a specific someone. Although, they weren't all happy days with the constant morning sickness and dizziness she felt from staying on her feet all day.

But she smiled because this was all she wanted and perhaps this was one thing that would make her so happy.

As of now it was just her little pea and everyday she used to crave pink marshmallows with a small cup of coffee but now all she craved was peanut butter and apples with a cup of tea.

And she was happy that this pregnancy wasn't a complete replica of Nancy's as she would always be one of a kind.

So everyday she did her stretches and take her prenatal pills and made sure to drink a bunch of rooibos tea to keep her iron up because she wanted this time to be perfect.

She didn't want to lose another one.

The day she found out was seven weeks after the love making was made and the rings were taken off and the papers were signed.

And the tears that left her eyes were both out of joy and fear. She never thought in a million years that she would ever have the opportunity of being pregnant again as she took multiple tests; specifically nine just to be sure.

Her smile had never been so wide and her cheeks hurt from smiling so much but she couldn't help it; she was so happy.

But then fear washed over her as she thought about the father of the child and how she had to figure her way out of this one.

She had to tell him- she knew she had to but for now she kept it a secret telling herself she would tell him when the divorce was finalized.

But for now she kept it at bay as every meeting she would munch on crackers and jolly ranchers to stop the nausea and drinks ton of water and tea to avoid the dizziness but Harry didn't really seem to notice as he had bags under his eyes and his eyes were always at a lost, body having a slightly smaller frame.

But today this was the day for everything to be legalized and final and she wold just be Ms. Arias and not Arias-Styles and it would just be Cam trying to find herself without him.

No more Cam and Harry.

She took one deep breath, getting out her car with her purse in hand, taking out a jolly rancher as she felt the wave of nausea kick in.

The process of everything seemed to go by so slow and yet so quick as the attorneys read the rights of their assets and belongings but none of those rings seemed to really matter as Harry just wanted to Cam, everything else seeming less valuable.

And with the last signing of the papers everything seemed dark and gloomy to Harry while Cam only saw it as a fresh start.

They both left to go outside that day, not a word left to say, suffering in their silence.

Harry walking with tears in his eyes as Camila felt only butterflies in her stomach.

"Harry," she whispered quietly, catching his attention in the midst of his daze as he hummed in reply.

"Well um..." she hesitated before looking up and as cliche as it was to her she was left speechless as he looked at him; a beautiful mess.

And she hoped she could mend him just a bit by doing this for him.

So she opened her bag, taking out a brown paper bag, handing it to him.

"What is this?" He asked her but she didn't say anything, just waiting for him to open it.

And as he did he saw that it was filled with pink and blue marshmallows that Camila seemed to love so much when she was pregnant-

His face went from sadness to confusion to joy all in one moment as the tears finally left his eyes but only out of happiness and a tinge of sadness.

There wasn't much else to say as only the laugh between the old lovers was heard as he took out a pink marshmallow from the inside of her jacket before she took it from him and ate it.

"I love you," Harry said to her with tears of happiness and a smile on his face.

"I love you too, Harry," she said back because she always would no matter what they went through and she didn't feel like she had to say it without the need for him, the weight of his shoulders lifted off of him as he had finally heard the words from her in over three years. "I always will."

That's the end guys... well just the epilogue and then we're done!!

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