Chapter 3: What Have We Done?

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It has been 11 days since Amelia and Rowan have disappeared

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It has been 11 days since Amelia and Rowan have disappeared. I have been pacing around the white drawing room just hoping. Hoping that she is going to come back; that she will just walk through those doors and come give me a hug or even just have a conversation with me. Ever since we told her that she can't pursue her dreams two years ago, she became distant. She only comes to us when we need her. I hear the door slowly start to open and I look over there just to be disappointed to see Erik and James walk in.

"Expand the search, and increase security around the palace," Erik says to James as they walk into the room. He looks over at me, with sadness in his eyes. For once in his life, he doesn't know how to help me. They both walk over to where I am pacing and Erik stops me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Honey, why don't you lay down a little bit," Erik whispers to me. He gives me a look, a look which at one point would calm me down, but now I look into his eyes, and I see my children's eyes. Tears start to flow from my eyes, and I whisper softly, "All I want is my baby girl back."

"Belle..." Erik says before I crumble to the ground. I curl up into a ball, and I let my emotions take over me. All you hear is sobs throughout the room.

"Belle, Amelia is safe, and she will come home eventually," James states, while he and Erik crouch down to be at the same level as me.

"How do you know that? How do you know that she wasn't kidnapped?" I frantically ask. How do they know? She could be fighting for her life right now, and we wouldn't know where she is at. James would lose a son, and I would lose my daughter, and I don't think either one of us wants that.

"I know because Rowan is with her. She is safe, my son will keep her safe," James reassures me.

"I just want her back. That is all I want. I want my baby girl back in my arms, where I know she can never leave." I whisper, before I am overcome with sobs, and I fall into Erik's arms. He strokes my arms, trying to calm me down. My body begins to break down. After 11 days, I breakdown. 11 days without my baby girl. Erik runs over and holds me while I am crying on the ground. We both want our daughter back. Nothing is going to change that. We have never been through something as horrible as this. The last time I broke down this bad is when my mother-in-law passed away.

It was 10 years ago, Amelia was only 13 years old and Benjamin was 8 years old. My father-in-law had passed 2 years prior. Amberly became a mother to me and my sister, Lily. Once my mother decided to try to break into the palace when I was pregnant with Amelia, she took over that role. My real mother was broken, especially after my father died. Amberly was just like me, she grew up in a poorer town just like me. We had a common past, but a very different future. She and Erik supported me on everything. I could trust her with things I never thought I would be able to. When I found out I was pregnant with Benjamin, she was there. Erik was out of the country on business. She held that secret for 3 months before I told Erik. When she died, Erik put back the pieces. He was broken as much as I was, but James helped him. That is when their friendship really flourished. Let's hope that Amelia can put back the pieces she took with her. I look at up my husband, and I can see he has tears in his eyes as well. 

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