Chapter 9: The Phone Call

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10 minutes ago

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10 minutes ago...

I look down at my phone and I see Benjamin's name on my screen. I already had a missed call from him, so I immediately press answer. He knows he isn't supposed to call me unless it is an emergency. "Ben! What the hell are you doing calling me?"

"I just wanted to check in on you. It has been 3 months since you left," Ben says through the phone. Jesus, does he not listen?

"I told you to not to call me unless it was an emergency! You scared me when I saw your name," I yell at him through the phone. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing from my brother, but this seriously worried me.

"Nothing is wrong unless you call Mom and Dad losing their minds trying to find you. Otherwise, I'm doing great, thanks for asking." Ladies and gentlemen, this is my brother.

"Ben, don't be a prick. Can you please reassure Mom and Dad that I am okay, somehow." I don't want my parents to stress themselves out. I know they probably think that I am in danger, but I'm not. Ben needs to make sure that they know that.

"Yeah, I can. How are you though? I know you are probably working hard... Or are you hardly working?" I hear him chuckle on the other side, and I do the same. Wow, I never really realized how much I missed him.

"We are getting close to being published, it actually should be in the next few weeks," I trail off. Ben notices my sudden silence, and he wishes he could be here with me right now. I let a few tears fall down my face.

"I miss you and everyone else so much," I whisper, so quietly that he may not have even heard it.

"Mia, I know you do, but your work is there. You need to finish what you started, and then you can come back home. We all miss you so much, especially Mom and Dad."

"Ben, I can't do this anymore. Hearing your voice and just hearing how Mom and Dad are doing, I just can't take it anymore. I want to be home, I regret leaving." At this point, tears are just flowing, with no end in sight. I want to be in my mother's arms again. I want to hear my father's lecture me on some budget plan or how to be proper. I want to hear Ben's corny, awful jokes again. But most of all, I wish Rowan and I were back to how we used to be. I hate that coming here made a mess of things. "Ben, I gotta go."

I go to hang up the call, but before I could, I hear him yell, "Don't you dare do what I think you are doing! Amelia, don't you dare come-"

I hang up the call, and I grab a bag and I start throwing things into it. Once I finish, I close the bag, grab my phone, and I turn towards the door. I stop dead in my tracks and I see Jessica standing there. She looks at me and then down at my bag, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Jessica, I have to go."

"Why, you have a life here. You have a guy who is in love with you out in the living room and you are running away!" Why can't she just let me go?

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