Scared of Thunder Storms

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((So, I came up with this idea (since you guys wanted me to update so badly) that I'll be doing separate chapters to have each turtle have one-to-one time with their baby sister. This chapter will be of Leo and Little Becky! Enjoy!))


The blue-banded turtle called Leo turns in his bed towards the doorway light, seeing the silhouette of a small girl in tiny small pigtails stand in the doorway. She held a small, worn out, teddy bear in her arms as she rubbed her big, sleepy eyes. Leo sat up and turned his lamp light on, smiling sleepily.

"Hey Becky...what's wrong?"

The little girl begins to cry silently and the teenaged mutant suddenly felt protective.

"Hey hey, it's okay." He cooed as he stood up and scooped the human child in his big, comforting, green arms. "It's okay, Becky...I'm here."

The little girl continued to cry as Leo sat down in bed and cradles the toddler slightly in his arms. He hears the sound of thunder above him and realizes why his baby sister was crying. Little Becs is scared of thunder storms. She always comes into Leo's room in the middle of the night when a storms going on. Leo checks his clock to see it was 2:30 am. Leo lays down with Becky cuddled between his arm and chest as he tucks his blankets up to Becky's chin. Becky's cries has slowed to a stop and Leo quietly shushes her.

"Shhh it's okay, Becs. Your safe. Nothing's gonna hurt you, I promise. I'm here. Shhh...I'm here."

She hiccups slightly and squirms slightly in Leo's arms as she gets comfortable in her big brother's bed.

Leo clears his throat and quietly mumbles the words to a Japanese song his father, Master Splinter, taught him.

(If you know the following lullaby, your childhood was the best.)

'Leaves from the vine...falling so slow,

Like fragile, tiny shells drifting in the foam.

Little...soldier boy, come marching home.

Brave soldier boy...comes marching home.'

Tiny sounds of breathing let Leo know that Little Becky had fallen fast asleep, snuggling into his arm, clutching her teddy bear. A small smile crept over her face as she dreamed, making Leo smile as he shut his lamp light off and cuddle close to his baby sister protectively.

The next morning, Mikey and Raph were hanging out in the main room. Mikey watched TV while Raph punched the dummy rapidly. They look up when they heard someone running into the room. It was Donnie. He came running out of Little Becky's nursery, looking panicked.

"Guys! I went to wake up Becky but she wasn't in her crib! She's gone!"

Mikey falls from the couch dramatically, sarcastically scared. "Call 911! This is an emergency!"

It was then when Raph and Donnie sent glares with daggers at him did Mikey shut up. Raph rolled his eyes and a wave of realization hit him. He turns back to Donnie.

"Wait, hold on. Did it storm last night?"

Donnie gave him a confused look. "Yeah...why?"

Raph sighs, slightly annoyed and beckons his brothers to follow him. "Come on."

Donnie and Mikey cautiously follow him into Leo's room and when Raph makes way for them to see, they face palm themselves, completely forgetting what Becky does when it comes to storms.

There she was, snuggled into her oldest brother's chest while Leo loudly snores, obviously tired from trying to get to fall asleep last night.

Raph scoffs, even though there's a tiny smile on his face as he watches the two sleep. "Typical. Ole-Fearless-One hogging her again."

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