Girl Troubles

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"Ni Ni like Apwil!"

Donnie drops his wrench at his baby sister's sudden outburst and stares at her, wide eyed. She starts giggling madly as she holds up the picture of Donnie and his friend April that he keeps hung up on his wall in his lab. She sat on the counter, watching him build a remote control car for Mikey, Donnie made sure that there was pillows on the floor beneath her in case she fell.

It was his turn to baby sit her while his family went to go on a training journey. And he was totally fine with that. He just thought it could be a little dangerous since he had so many inventions to pay attention to instead of his little sister.

Donnie sighs with a tiny smile as he gently grabs the picture out of her hand. "Yes be careful with it. That's my only good picture."

He hangs the picture back up on the wall and sighs dreamily at April's smile before turning his back on his sister to finish his work. It was another few minutes of pure silence, which Donnie was thankful for, until Becky's small voice interrupts his concentration again.

"Ni Ni like Apwil more than me?"

Donnie turns back to her, slightly hurt as his eyes widen. She looked a little sad, with her bottom lip poking out as she pouts. Donnie stares at her sadly. Now that she mentioned it, Donnie's been hanging out with April more than his own sister lately. Donnie wouldn't blame Becky if he wasn't her favorite turtle. Donnie finally much of a terrible brother he was. When Becky needed him, he was somewhere else with a girl who was completely clueless about his feelings for her. Sure, April would babysit for the turtles sometimes, and Becky LOVES her! But she loves Donnie too...she misses her big brother...a lot.

Donnie sighs and looks over to a picture he had hung up of Becky when she was an infant. Mikey took the picture but it was Donnie holding Becky, who only had the capability to suck her thumb back then. She was fast asleep in a bundle of pink blankets as Donnie cradled her in his arms. Becky didn't even have a full head of hair yet! Donnie was grinning from ear to ear, he didn't have the gap in his teeth back then. He was seated on the couch, with Leo sitting next to them, smiling at the camera while Donnie kept smiling down at the baby girl he was holding. Donnie smiles at the memory and looks back at the now bigger toddler seated on his lab table, staring at him with big, sad blue eyes.

"Aw," Donnie smiled as he scooped her up, tickling her arm pits and making her laugh. "Not a girl in the world can replace you, my little angel."

Becky giggled and hugged his skinny neck. "I wuv you, Ni Ni."

"I love you too, Baby Becs."

Two hours later, the rest of the family comes home. Mikey plops down on the couch and moans.

"Man, I'm beat!"

Leo sets down his satchel aside on the floor and looks around. "Hey, where's Don and Becs?"

"Probably in Donnie's lab, boring her to death." Raph muttered, rolling his eyes.

The three turtles follow their rat master into the lab and they all smiled at the scene.

Donnie and Becky were snuggled up in his office spin chair, fast asleep. Becky lay on her big brother's chest while Donnie had one big hand on her back, his chin resting on the top of her head, his breathing was turned into tiny wheezes due to the gap in his teeth. Both of them were tucked snugly into his lab coat.

"Nah, Raph." Mikey grinned as he watched the scene. "I think he bored BOTH of them to death!"

They have NO idea.

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